Hi Team, I want to defer below two granite clientlibs paths. Paths are 1) /etc.clientlibs/clientlibs/granite/jquery.min.js?v=aemv2) /etc.clientlibs/clientlibs/granite/utils.min.js?v=aemv.How These two js files are getting embedded into page source ? Apparently they are getting embedded from /libs/cl...
I have integrated AEM with Target using adobe I/O. The integration is working and we can export Xfragments from AEM -> Target. But When I am trying to create A/B activity in AEM using targeting mode, the component does not show target icon which I want to use to provide different experience in A an...
Hello All, I am trying to implement LDAP Integration with AEM 6.5. When I did my configutaion and click on sync . Here are my configs: Configuration:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.security.authentication.ldap.impl.LdapIdentityProvider.config:userPool.maxActive=L"8"searchTimeout="60s"host.name="ldap.xyz.c...
How to reproduce:1. follow the oficial tutorial here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-wknd-tutorial-develop/project-setup.html?lang=en#prerequisites 2. use the archtype to create the project: mvn -B archetype:generate \ -D archety...
What is the way of caching the components of a page. I want to achieve caching at component level. I have few components in a page and I want to make do not cache for 2 components and rest of the components to be cached.
Hello all, We manage our company's website in AEM, and there are two teams on which I'd like to focus here: content managers and developers. Developers create new templates and components, and content managers use both developed and out-of-the-box components ti create and update pages. Both teams us...
Hello All - I am trying to build a project using maven archetype 25 which use the package com.adobe.cq.editor.model. If I use the below dependency, it didn't resolve and am getting compilator error saying 'package com.adobe.cq.editor.model does not exist'. Could someone tell me what needs to be used...
Hello, We have implemented authentication requirement (from page properties -> advanced -> Authentication Requirement) for some of our sites and added Custom User Group so that only users part of that group can access the site after successful authentication. The solution does not prevent users fr...