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Assets API Update Rendition Mime Type


Level 3

We migrated our assets from another system. Some file extension are not formatted correctly, like "filename.jpg (1)". AEM couldn't figured out mime type, so DAM Update Asset workflow couldn't generate renditions.


I tried to add mime type manually via Assets API but I'm getting "Forbidden" error. Any ideas?


PUT /api/assets/myfolder/myAsset.png/renditions/original -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"properties":{"jcr:mimeType":"image/jpeg"}}'



7 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @btaymaz 


You can try in the below way:

  1. Use the PUT request with the asset URL e.g. http://localhost:4502/api/assets/wknd-events/wknd-events.jpg
  2. Set the Authorization type as "Basic Auth" with username and password.
  3. Set the "Content-Type" header as "application/json".
  4. Use the below request body:
"properties": {
"metadata" : {


This will set the mime type on metadata node.


Hope this helps!



Level 3
This put it to asset level, thumbnail creation looks under "renditions/original"


Community Advisor
All the metadata information are stored under "metadata" node. So you need to pass the information as mentioned above.


Level 3
No, this is not true. Each rendition has it's own mimetype, including original


Level 3
I'm passing credentials, it works at this level "/api/assets/myfolder/myAsset.png" but not "/api/assets/myfolder/myAsset.png/renditions/original""


Community Advisor
but original node does not contains any meta property, when you need to set mime type there?

Arun Patidar