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AEM 6.4.8 en-us content publish resulted in contents deleted from a geo site by msm-service


Level 4


cc @kautuk_sahni @Jörg_Hoh  @berliant  @Jaideep_Brar @arunpatidar 

We noticed on content (/content/proj/en-us/prod/accessories ) replication resulted in (/content/proj/ja-jp/prod/accessories) delete by msm-service from one of the many geo sites.

This section of content (/prod/accessories ) was only deleted from one of the geo site (jp-ja) and
this geo site (jp-ja) had pages which donot exists on en-us(master) but specific to this geo (jp-ja). 

We suspect that Rollout Manager tried to resolve conflict which resulted in this content delete.
as there was a com.day.cq.wcm.api.WCMException: javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException during that time. 

... 1 line omitted ... com.day.cq.wcm.api.WCMException: javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException: OakState0001: Unresolved conflicts in /content/proj/en-in/products/

accessories/jcr:content at com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.RolloutManagerImpl.save(RolloutManagerImpl.java:944) [com.day.cq.wcm.cq-msm-core:5.11.84] at com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.RolloutManagerImpl.save(RolloutManagerImpl.java:928) [com.day.cq.wcm.cq-msm-core:5.11.84] at com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.RolloutManagerImpl.rolloutPageRelations(RolloutManagerImpl.java:627) [com.day.cq.wcm.cq-msm-core:5.11.84] at com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.RolloutManagerImpl.rolloutRelations(RolloutManagerImpl.java:869) [com.day.cq.wcm.cq-msm-core:5.11.84]

Is there a recommended way to avoid this deletion?
what is the recommendation on configuring this Day CQ WCM Rollout Manager in a similar use case.

Do you think, we should increase Background thread pool size from current 5 to count of geos (25),
and increase the current max shut down time from current 10 mins to to some higher value like 30 mins ?


Thank You!



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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

I don't think that the exception has something to do with the problem you describe. Instead it could be that this exception caused the termination of a larger operation, which would have deleted much more content.


What is the relation between /content/proj/en-us and /content/proj/ja-jp? Are they both livecopies from a /content/project/master tree? Or is one path the livecopy of the other path?

What Rollout Configuration have been used in the rollout?

View solution in original post

7 Replies


Community Advisor

@akashdeepAEM So have you configured rollout on Publish/Activation.? Have you tried setting up "CQ MSM Content Delete Action" excluding nodetypes ?


Level 4

Hi @Shashi_Mulugu, thanks for replying . we have default config for CQ MSM Content Delete Action

Are you configuring this differently




Community Advisor
Yes, we need to configure it differently..as we may have pages in locales, which is not present in blueprint


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

I don't think that the exception has something to do with the problem you describe. Instead it could be that this exception caused the termination of a larger operation, which would have deleted much more content.


What is the relation between /content/proj/en-us and /content/proj/ja-jp? Are they both livecopies from a /content/project/master tree? Or is one path the livecopy of the other path?

What Rollout Configuration have been used in the rollout?


Level 4


Level 4

 /content/proj/en-us is the cq:master for /content/proj/ja-jp .
One path is the liveCopy for other path.

MSM rollout triggers include: publish, modification, rollout which invokes below liveActions 
ootb liveActions:- ContentUpdateAction  , ContentDeleteAction 
custom liveActions:- updateModifiedContentToAllGeoSites , publishNewChangesInMaster



Employee Advisor

Thanks for the update. So if I understand you correctly, you activated a page in the master at /content/proj/en-us area, and as a consequence the matching page in the livecopy at /content/proj/ja-jp has been deleted. Is my understanding correct?


I am not aware of such a behavior in any of the ootb actions, and I see that you have custom actions defined. Can you check these custom actions if it's possible that it (directly or indirectly) cause a deletion?

Another thing you could check: You mentioned an exception you have found in the logs. Can you check the stacktrace and see if rollout actions (or more generally spoken: MSM related class/package names) appear in the stacktrace? In that case you are able to confirm that this exception indeed belongs to the problem, and it can also pinpoint you to a code path, which is causing a write action.

On the other hand side, it might be valid write action to the repo, which conflicts with a delete operation, for which we don't have any clue where it is coming from.


I think that you have a realistic chance to find out what caused this situation, but this requires some work on your side. If we can help you with some details, just keep on posting in this thread.

