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Overlay panel in Indesign 2015


Level 2

How do i create a scrollable frame in Indesign 2015. I dont see the overlay panel to do this

6 Replies


Level 6

Either sign up for the beta or move back to CC2014.


Level 2

Hi Bob so if i was on pre- release must i then resign up to beta.


Level 6

Pre release is beta. Are you on the prerelease for Adobe Digital Publishing Solution?


Level 2

Hi Yes i am on pre-release release Adobe Publish on my desktop and i also use Indesign 2014 there so that i can still produce my normal DPS publications and as far as i know i am on the Publish 2015 beta on my laptop. i have the tools installed so i just wanted to know if it is still possible to create a scrolling


Level 6

Yes. The overlays haven’t changed at all but the panel is now simply called Overlays. If you don’t see it, you’ll need to install the tools on that machine.


Level 2

Hi Bob thanks. I had installed the tools but failed to put the overlay folder into the extensions folder in CEP. Sorry to have bothered you.