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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Layouts and Cards Feature Wishlist



Hi all,

The Digital Publishing Solution and now Adobe Experience Manager Mobile are out for a while and I know some of you put the product through its paces already, creating stunning apps. We want to add even more customisation around the layout templates system. I wanted to get your take on what are the most impactful things we can do on our end to unlock your creativity and enable you to do more.

I invite you to share a list of things you'd love to see in the next few releases. I've already got some requests via email, but I would like to open the floor to anybody willing to contribute with suggestions to further develop the product.

It would help if:

- You order your wish-list based on the priority you think we should tackle things on

- You write a few words why something is very important for you, how do you plan to use that feature or what problem do you expect it to solve.

Many thanks,


1 Reply


Level 2

Hi Andrei,

As you offer the opportunity to make a wish list, here is my top 4 wishes, as a graphic designer for a company which use AEM for internal sales Digital brochure.

1 - Order of card.

Currently, according to documentation

It could be great to turn off this behaviour. In my case, this could allow me to use banner as main title and summarize my content.

2 - Pin card

Currently according documentation

Could be so nice to be able to always stick an article on a specific position and force float right, as we do in web with css.

3 - New Flag

As we publish a lot of material for internal sales force, it could be very useful to activate a custom flag that appear on top of a card when updated content is available. It can give our reader in a glance what content is new.

4 - Responsive Card

An extra feature would be to include as a rule an IF ELSE statement.

So for instance, if there is only 1 card to map, use full width, if there is 2, each should use 50% if there is 3 or more, each should use 33% of available space.

