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Access to old Blue after switch (AMS)


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Need access to old Blue environment after Blue/Green switch
Use-case: To evaluate roll-back decision based on the issues found after Blue/Green switch we need to be able to verify issue is introduced due to the change, or existing issue.
Current/Experienced Behavior: Currently, old Blue environment is only accessible by Adobe, and not integrated with the rest of the systems.
Improved/Expected Behavior: Instead of putting the old Blue environment away, place them into the Green Load-Balancer, so that Green URL can be used after the switch.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): Cloud Manager for AMS deployment
Customer-name/Organization name: Go Endo
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  
1 Comment


Community Advisor


Hi @Jyin 
I think, If blue environment is not deleted, then it is possible to access blue environment after switch.

we also have blue/green setup and we always access both using live and preview load balancers.


Here Adobe CSE can help to setup 2 different load balancer and allow you to access blue environment over preview load balancer.