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Asset Reports - Validation constraint message on Date Fields appears only after bypassing the condition


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: When generating a report on Assets, it is possible to bypass the add details(2/3) step without supplying a date range. However, the validation constraint message only appears after proceeding to the final step(3/3) and creating the report. Ideally, the constraint violation message should appear on the same page as soon as the condition is violated.
Current/Experienced Behavior: Steps to reproduce: 1. Navigate to AEM Tools> Assets > Reports 2. Click on 'Create' button on right hand top corner. 3. Select any Type of report and click Next 4. On Add Details screen "/ui#/aem/mnt/overlay/dam/gui/content/reports/createreportwizard.html" add required field without choosing any values under 'Adjust Date' click on Next and then create report An error message 'Date Field Error' popup is shown
Improved/Expected Behavior: Ideally, the constraint violation message should appear on the same page as soon as the condition is violated.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): AEM 6.5 , AEMaaCS
Customer-name/Organization name:  
Screenshot (if applicable): user29665_0-1735877355577.pnguser29665_1-1735877412535.png


Code package (if applicable):  





Thanks for proposing this idea.
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference ASSETS-46190. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to Jira's status.
Status changed to: Investigating


Level 1


hi @user29665 - this behavior is fixed in the new Asets View for generating reports. This also has the ability to set up recuring schedule for reports, and will see additional enhancements this year. I recommend using this UI for generating reports, and to let us know if there are any data facets or events not available that you need. Thanks!