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XDP to HTML Conversion - Designer Time Field validations not working in HTML


Level 6

Good Morning,

We are in the process of converting all Designer forms into XDP files then uploading to AEM. In this process, I have discovered that the time object validations are not working in HTML. When the user types the value into these objects (we have a 12 hour and 24 hour object created), it simply disappears upon exit. I've tried to use multiple validation formats and get nothing but a Validation error, even when I type it exactly what the validation calls for. This field works perfectly in the "Preview PDF" tab but not the "Preview HTML" tab. Does anyone know if this is a common issue and what is the work around for this? 

Thank you.

8 Replies


Employee Advisor

@nowackem  HTML preview may not honor everything of PDF. You can use vanilla js to validate the field. 



Here are some links for the comparison of PDF and HTML5 renditions:





Are you using FormCalc? You may have to change to JavaScript as FormCalc is only supported server-side.

Also check if your locale settings match the expected locale in the form/field.


Level 6
I was just using the Field and Binding tabs under Object panel to set up a 12 hour and 24 hour time field as they work just fine as a PDF. However, when I view in Preview HTML, these properties do not work. So I guess I was thinking if we used JavaScript instead of using the Object properties it might work in HTML. I've had no luck though.


Level 2

I am having the same issue. I am in the process of converting my PDF forms to XDP to render as html. Any updates or workarounds for this that you came up with? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.


Level 6

Sorry, we haven't come up with a good solution yet. However, when we do find a solution, I will be sure to post it here. This was actually put on the back burner for a time but now that you mention it, I think I'm going to revisit this issue. 


Level 2

Thanks for the response. I am foolishly hoping for an easy workaround instead of having to re-write all my fields and code. I have opened a ticket with AEM support as well to see if they have any insight. If I get anything useful, I'll pass it on. Thanks.


Level 6

@RaviMRam Thank you! That would be great. We are finding out that converting Designer forms from XDP to HTML for AEM is not as easy/smooth as we hoped. 



Hi @RaviMRam 

I had the same experience and replaced Date fields with Text fields for the moment - no data picker though...

Can you give me the support ticket id to have a look?
