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How to create a component in the IDE now "create component" has been removed?


Level 9

Now Adobe have removed the "create component" "create template" and "create Dialog" menu items from crx/de, these have to be created by hand in the IDE.


This is fine, except 100% of the tutorials use the menu menthod, so I cant find any info on how to create the necessary files and folders by hand.


Looking at the hello world example, its component looks like this:








However, if we look at a different component, we see a different structure:




do the files have to be called .content.xml, or can they be named anything?

is _cq_dialog a reserved directory name, or something made up by the dev?


What are the required/optional files and folders?

What are the naming conventions?

Are there any other tools to create components, now the main one has been removed?

Is there any tutorial which shows how to create components, dialogs and templates by hand?


4 Replies


Level 9
Sorry, wrong forum!


Level 2

Hi @TB3dock ,

Can you please confirm the AEM version we are using here. I tested with latest 6.5 Service Pack 8 and I can see those options under CRX-DE.



- Sameer




Level 9
If you go to the SW distribution portal, and search for SDK, I am using the newest one as of 2 days ago. The file name is AEM SDK v2021.3.5104.20210328T185548Z-210325. I am guessing this is the cloud SDK, although there is no info.


Employee Advisor
Right, this is the cloud SDK and development based on AEM as a cloud service is different thus no manual steps. More information here - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/implementing/developing/ful...