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Error Message: ALC-PDG-016-004


Level 1

We have a newly installed AEM 6.4 server. Office 2016 and Adobe DC was installed prior to AEM being installed.

When I log into the adminui, I go to the PDF Generator and then to Create PDF.

I get this error anytime I browse and select an Office document. Example, docx, doc and xlsx

I am able to go to create PDF and create a PDF from a jpg or png at this point. It just seems the Office files are giving me trouble.

Any help on where to start looking would be great.

I don't know much about AEM other than our team is responsible for updating the templates and importing them.

We're now responsible for configuring the new AEM 6.4 servers.

Thanks in advanced.

9 Replies




what is the specific error in the log? can you upload it or share the snippet?

please verify you have followed these steps prior to PDFG native conversions at [1]. PLease also consider the additional system requirements in the preparing to install guide here at [2]

[1] Adobe Experience Manager Help | Install and configure PDF Generator

[2] https://helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/help/en/experience-manager/6-4/forms/pdf/prepare-install-single-... [section 10.3 in the appendix]


Employee Advisor

Let's start by checking the conversion of office files to pdf from Acrobat and Office plugin.

Check if Application Server(Assuming JBoss) is running as LSA.

Grant R/W Permissions in C:\Windows\Temp for all the PDFG user explicitly.

Next, run the SRT and check for the report to capture any missing elements. Though below blog is for LiveCycle, apart from folder name change toAdobe Experience Manager all things would remain same.

LiveCycle PDF Generator ES2 System Readiness Tool (SRT) | Adobe LiveCycle Blog

Also, I would like to know the OS, Application server detail and see the server logs captured during the conversion failure.




Level 1

Thank you for reply. I was able to convert to pdf from a word doc. I set the permissions as you suggested. Running srt, the only warnings I received were for some of the environment variables. I, however was not sure what you meant by running jboss as LSA.



Employee Advisor


The SRT looks all good. LSA is local system account. So, if I get correctly the issue is resolved now post setting permissions.


Level 1

The issue is not resolved. Anytime I use create pdf and select an Office docx or xlsx I get that error.

Does this action actually run Word or excel and then uses the convert function added in from Acrobat?

One thing I noticed is when I open a word doc it takes some time to open the doc about 15 seconds.

I also noticed these four files below being created when it fails. When I converted an image file it did not create any of these files.



Level 1

Check to see if your Microsoft Office is 64 bit or 32 bit (x86). 64 bit will not create PDFs, and I believe MS Office 2016 only comes in 64 bit. I have been trying to tweak the integration with no luck so far. If anyone has the tweaks please share.



Is your 6.4 instance on Windows 2016? There is a 32bit version of MS Office 2016



If you are on Windows 2016, you will need these additional configurations documented here: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/troubleshoot-aem-forms-pdfg-conversion.html


Level 1

can some one please guide me on the additional configurations that are required for windows 2016