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Can anyone please help on downloading the addon for AEM forms 6.5 for MAC OSX


Level 2

Hi ,

Can anyone Please help me out in this following issue.

I am getting the following stated error while trying to download this addon :

URl: AEM Forms add-on package for Mac OS X




6 Replies


Level 9

Forms add on for Mac does not support pdf generation 

we recommend  you use either windows or Linux operating systems 


Level 2

I dont have windows /linux machine

I need the addon for MAC osx which I tried downloading but showing error on the page . 


Employee Advisor


This seems to be an issue with access to the download portal. So please contact system administrator of your organization OR raise a support with ticket with us.

Hope this helps!


PS- Girish pointed out an exception with PDF Generator as it's not supported on Max OS X. Otherwise you should be able to set-up AEM Forms instance but that too, for development/testing purposes NOT production.


Level 2

Hi Pulkit,

I have Pinged you regarding the same. Please check inbox. I am unable to create Ticket. It's showing some error.


Employee Advisor

here is the link. Mac OS add on is only for demo purposes and it does not support generation of PDF documents.

We recommed you use either Windows/linux to experience the rich features of AEM Forms





Employee Advisor


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