Hi, as subject says I want to modify the List View. RIght now is showing these values:I would like to remove some of them and then add new ones, like lastModifiedDate.Where can I change this? Thanks in advance. Best regards,Luis.
I am trying to di digital sigature using AEM DocAssuranceService.I am having jdk 8 and jre version is also 8 . I get the following error javax.net .ssl.SSLHandShakeException:sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:PKIX path building failed:sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException...
Hi, as subject says, I want to save the value "lastModifiedBy" on Adaptive Form Fragment, since is not saved by default. Also I don't want to save the user ID, but the User Name. For this I created a workflow to save this information, but the problem is that the workflow saves the user as "workflow-...
Hi! We have been working with jetform for many years to convert ifd to pdf. Now our server is going to be replaced form HP UX to Linux.Can anyone help me get jetform binary for Linux by providing a download link? Many thanks!
Hi,I have created one process design that generate the adaptive pdf. When I am hitting that process design REST API from postman its giving 200 response code while through postman its giving 302. Why we are getting different response code. Is there any chance will get 302 response code from postman ...
I'm getting the following error when I submit my form. I have the submit action set to "submit to REST endpoint" and "enable POST request" checked with the path to the servlet.30.10.2024 15:25:41.668 *ERROR* [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] [1730316341654] POST /content/forms/af/poster-api-registration/jcr:conten...
Hello, recently we have migrated our forms and clientlibs to AEM 6.5 on premise, now we have detected that rule editor on forms does not work. We have identified some changes like use "var" instead of "let" but our main problem is with async and await sintax.We have asyncronous functionality and if ...
Hi, I'm trying to integrate cloudflare Turnstile with the AEM Adaptive forms in AEMaaCS. I'm following https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/forms/adaptive-forms-authoring/authoring-adaptive-forms-core-components/create-an-adaptive-form-on-forms-cs/integ...
Hi there -We currently have AEM Designer on prem (local installs) and love it for maintaining 1500+ forms that are mandated for use statewide. We have NO need or desire to publish thru an AEM site and will NOT need to collect customer responses in at least the medium future. We simply want to design...
Hi Team,I have the requirement where I have to generate the adaptive pdf as resultant pdf. I have used the renderPDFForm service of FormService to generate the adaptive pdf. But when I am hitting the REST API from the postman am getting 200 response code with unreadable response. There is another te...