If i make changes to a page which is already activated (published) ,do i need to reactivate again or replication agent will keep track of changes and publish
I developed a small adaptive form on AEM Forms 6.0 JEE (SP1 at the moment) and I'm facing a problem. The project is meant to be like below:A user fills in a form in the web-browser and submits it. On the submit a LC Workflow is started and a couple of other users have to approve/reject this form in...
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to render HTML5 forms from within Workbench? I can render forms as PDFs and HTML4 but I can't find anything n HTML5. If it is possible how would I do it?Thanks.
HiI'm developing an adaptive form for a customer which is submitted to a LC approval workflow. For this I installed Adobe AEM Forms 6.0 on JEE. On this JBOSS there is an author instance of AEM installed automatically. My question now is how do I setup/install the Publish instance?Am I going to need ...
Hi:Hoping someone can shed some light on why I'm getting a javascript error when I click on a radio button on my xfa based AEM Forms template. The knock on effect is that the radio button is not being shown as selected. Through some javascript debugging I've been able to determine that what appears ...
We are overriding the "Product Assets Upload" step in the DAM Update Asset because the product ids do not follow the supported naming convention for the Product Photo Shoot Project. In this step, we move individual assets or assets in a zip file to the proper product folders that were created when ...
I would like to moderate the user rating (deleting/changing rating). I have read herehttp://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/administering/social_communities/community_console.htmlthat this can be done with the Community Console. Where to find the community console in AEM 6.0? It is not available in ...
I would like to take exam (9A0-336) for Adobe Experience Manager 5.6 Lead Developer Exam.However, I found that passing score is ambiguous.Number of question is 60 MC questions and passing score is 76% under this page http://training.adobe.com/certification/exams/cq-5.5-lead-developer.html.Once, I cl...
Hi, I want to understand relation between Author-Publish instances. How these two instances works.Where and How can I perform a POC to show relation between Author and Publisher in AEM forms.I am able to define and perform relation between IT developer and Author.But I am confused how Author and Pub...