Hi Team, I gave a react app which has static folder. this static folder has a subfolder named js and within that i have my model.json file. this static folder is being served by out by nginx server when we make request for the path js/ .so in our code we have modelmanager.initialize('js/model.json')...
I need JavaScript help with field referencing within a dynamically generated table row.I have the following code which only triggers within the first row, which is the only row in the table prior to the user generating additional rows. form1.Page1.SubChecklist.Table.Detail.ParaNum::ready:layout - (J...
how do i change the color of a textbox text to red in an adaptive form? the cssClassName is readonly property. is there a programmatically way to do it?
I have two requirements and both are linked to multifield. Lets start with the simpler one first. In the AEM forms, metadataschema editor, there are a list of component on the right side. I would like to create a multifield that encompasses various data elements. When a user clicks "add" in the mult...
Hi I am trying to completely hide section 7 and section 8 based on the vendor type selection in this form. if Direct is selected : I want section 7 to be completely hidden if Indirect is selected : I want section 7to showif Indirect is selected : I want section 7 & 8 to show
I have a paragraph number field in a repeating table row. I cannot seem to get the code correct, which is as follows: form1.Page1.SubChecklist.Table.Detail.ParaNum::ready:layout - (JavaScript, client)var vCurrentRow = this.parent.index;if (Table.Detail[" + vCurrentRow + "].DDLAlign.rawValue == "No" ...
Hi all, I have AEM forms Table connected to Schema binding, The rows of table repeats as per the amount of items present in the schema, Is there any event , or technique i can use to trigger a specific script only at the last instance of the table row, and not when every row is getting generated? An...
Hi Community, I am wondering if AEM Form rule editor is able to change a file name uploaded to the Form (whether instantly or after submitting the form). My AEM Form has multiple attachment, so I cannot use Power Automate to change the attachment name without also changing other documents'.I also ne...
Hello all, Hoping to get some guidance: I have a table in Livecylce ES4 with lets say 4 fields (name, age, gender, date of birth). Just text fields on a blank subform. I have a button to addInstance thus repeating the 4 fields. The button also adds an instance to another table on another form that a...
Hi all, We have an issue with a number of PDFs giving the below message in both Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Reader on different PCs at different locations, all with unrestricted internet access so assume an issue with the file itself. It tries to go to a URL for livecycle advising it needs to send ...