Hi,I am attempting to connect to the livecycle part of AEM 6.2 JEE in order to update assets. But at the moment I cannot connect successfully and perform getApplications() on the application manager. Below is a snippet of the code I am using: //Create service factory Properties Properties connecti...
Hi,I have a problem now which is I want to shorten the URLs added by Adaptive forms in Publish instance.Example:From: /content/site/language/pageOne/pageTwo/FormOne.html --> /pageOne/pageTwo/FormOne.html is there a proper solution ?Thanks
I was trying to deploy the xdp files using the scriptedDeployment command but getting the below error , please advise Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.ApplicationId
Hello Guys,I've got an issue in which I'm unable to pass a variable to a data-sly-use.This is a small snippet of the code I have.<div data-sly-use.info="questions-and-answers.js" data-sly-use.questions="${'LatestQuestions' @ maxLinks=info.maxLinks}" class="nc-questions-and-answers"> <h2 class="nc-...
Hi Team,I have AEM 6.1 SP2 Installed on Mac Laptop. I wanted to install AEM Forms Add on on my AEM 6.1 SP2.Which version I have to download and install from Package share?Is it AEM-FORMS-6.1.SP1 or AEM-FORMS-6.1-SP2. I am not able to find one with AEM-FORMS-6.1.Or If i download and install AEM-FORMS...
Hello folks,I'm working on the migration from ES2 to AEM and it seems that there are some problems mainly with the "Preview HTML5" TAB in AEM.In designer AEM, when I tried to add a new instance of a repeatable subform (using addInstance function in a click event of a button), the new instance shows ...
Hi,I am attempting to restore data on my form using the XML.I have created a simplified test version of my form, with a few fields and two buttons.Button 1) Gets the XMLButton 2) Attempts to restore the XMLTo get the XML I am doing the following:var getDataXML = function() { var XMLdata; guideBri...
Hello All,I am trying to use the "Store PDF" option available under- Create adaptive form (test-form)- Go to Classic UI-On top, in front of "Start of an adaptive form", click "Edit"- Click on "Submit actions" tab-Select dropdown option "Store PDF" for Submit actionI see the Store Path as "/content/u...
I am trying to run the AEM forms configuration using the CLI but I am not able to perform the secure datasource step with CLI since CLI does not support this operation , Can someone please share the manual process to package the JDBC modules in to the AEM EARS .