Hello Folks,This query is somewhat related to my earlier query. Just that I am still not clear on how this can be achieved. We have a Form using FDM as Data Model and has Repeatable Section. Each form field in this section is binded to respective datasource field and I assume this is what Bounded Da...
Hi all, We are trying to use the AEM forms app, from the Google Play Store/IOS App Store, however we've been unable to open our forms from within the app. We are able to see which forms are available in the app, but not the ability to open/download them. The text "Download failed" also appears below...
Good day all, trying to determine if there's a way to "ignore" certain objects/subforms in the responses file, possibly through JS? I've noticed our responses file is hanging horribly on a rather dense form. This form has a number of dynamic labels which are done as text objects, and I'm wondering i...
Hello to all,Event log writes below error continuously. Application seems working properly but considering event log keeps writing this error what if it effects somehow. I wanted to get your opinion about what can be the reason and how can we fix this issue? Faulting application name: XMLForm.exe...
Folks,Need your inputs on having pop-ups implemented in Adaptive Forms. I was going through some live demos from Adobe and haven't find one sample atleast related to this functionality.We are trying a use-case, where we are looking to have pop-ups and these gets rendered especially when user tries t...
Folks, I see this question was already answered in this thread. But just need some more details on how simply this can be done.I have a form with some fields and a button (which actually performs remove operation). So on click of this button, I want equivalent record to be deleted in the Database to...
Hello Folks, I am a bit confused on how do these Form Fields (when binded to same DB field) work. I have created 2 fragments (let's say Emergency Address and Permanent Address) with FDM and binded properly. These both are actually same in terms of fields and binding, but I just want to bring them up...
Hello Folks,We are currently working on a requirement, where I need you guys help. We have a form created with Form Model selected as FDM and connected to MySQL DB. It has one Repeatable Section / Panel and we used an Instance Manager as the option for doing the same, which has 2 buttons (Add and Re...
I am trying to install AEM Forms 6.5 on Windows 2016 Server running Windows SQL2016. I am using the Partial Turnkey option, and on the Partial Turnkey Installation Options I select MSSQL Server. The installation completes without any errors. During the AEM Forms Configuration Manager Datasource Co...
Can you please explain advantages and disadvantages for Migrate workflows from JEE to OSGi ?Am i able to invoke OSGi workflow as a service by using REST URL like AEM JEE Workflow ?How easy to build custom components in OSGi workflow comparatively JEE ? Any Performance improvements if i do migrate wo...