I have a text field component and need to change the validation dynamically based on selection drop down.
Could you please provide inputs as how to resolve it.
I . We can get the component details using guidebridge using
let text_component =guideBridge.resolveNode("text_input_component");
2.noticed that displayPictureClause is used for validation.
How to set it
I can get the current value set by doing
But my requirement is I would want to set it dynamically.
by doing text_component.displayPictureClause="regex expression"
does not work.
3> I would want to set the validatePictureClauseMessage also dynamically
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I don’t think there is any documented way of doing that
Thanks for the input. If you could suggest any other way I could do it.
As I need to do validation dynamically based on selection.
so new selection value , new validation must be applied on the same text field form component.
Any input as how could I do it
I was trying using rule editor using validate function.
But AEM ootb is always writing a custom message .How to overcome it
let testing=$('#component___widget_desc');
console.log("the testing="+testing.text()); // it prints the current error msg if set
testing.text("errror show");// this does not get wrtten ,always aem based OOTB error msg displayed how to over come this.
How to write the custom error msg instead of aem OOTB msg