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Dynamically adding image adobe live cycle


Level 2

Can we add image runtime means through process design in xdp. My image size is big while opening the form it is taking time. I want the image to be added runtime while generating the pdf through process design

3 Replies


Employee Advisor

Can you please elaborate your use case?


Level 2

I have an image having size in xxMB. Currently I Dragged the image component and added the image in it but while opening the xdp its always give the warning "total asset size is more than 40M, the performance of actions on xxx application name might be unsatisfactory".  I wanted to know that can we add image through process design dynamically. 


Level 10

 40 MB with an image? You should think of optimizing the used images beforehand. Use only RGB images with 16 Bit or less and no more than 300 dpi. Also don't embed the images into to form, That will store it as Base64 encoded string in the XPD itself, which can't be compressed that good. Linking the image is more efficent.