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AEM Forms: View XDP File as PDF&HTML is failing | AEM 6.5.21


Level 2

Hello evereyone!

I am setting up AEM Forms in my windows local, and trying to view OOTB xdp file as PDF/HTML.
When I view it as PDF or HTML it redirects to forms parent folder.

Does any one have faced this issue? Do we need to install any other packages so that I can view xdp files in pdf/html?

Thanks in advance!

5 Replies


Employee Advisor

are all your bundles active?

if yes- the preview as HTML should work

it is recommended to generate a PDF using either forms or output service and then view the pdf using Adobe Acrobat or Reader

The built-in PDF viewer of modern browsers may not be able to display the pdf


Level 2

Thanks for the response!
Yes! all the bundles are up and running!

But when i try to view as HTML I see an error:

Internal Server Error

Cannot serve request to /content/dam/formsanddocuments/templates-folder/VisualTop.xdp/jcr:content in /libs/xfaforms/render/GET.jsp

Error log:

GET /content/dam/formsanddocuments/templates-folder/VisualTop.xdp/jcr:content HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.forms.aem.impl.XFANativeServiceImpl Exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Connection to failed service.



Can you please send the documentation that was followed to do the forms installation?


Employee Advisor


This [0] is a generic issue that indicates that the XMLForm service failed to launch when you try to preview the XDP as HTML. You need to ensure you have installed the required 32-bit C++ redistributable on the Windows machine which is required for AEM Forms installation.

For PDF preview, as Girish advised, the built-in PDF viewer of modern browsers may not be able to display the PDF.

[0] - 

com.adobe.forms.aem.impl.XFANativeServiceImpl Exceptionjava.lang.IllegalStateExceptionConnection to failed service


 [1] - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/forms/adaptive-forms/installing-... 


Level 2

Hi Pulkit,

Thank you for the response. Yes I have tried installing the 32-bit C++, but still it failed.

In my case - Disconnecting to VPN made it started working. So after the local server restart, I need to disconnect to VPN and then view to HTML loads fine and after that I can reconnect to VPN and works fine.

Vijay Ch.