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Accessibility issue - AEM generating faulty tags/DOJ rule re Web Content


Level 3

We use desktop version 6.5.17.

I have attached three files to this post:

Test 1: File > Form Properties > Save Options > Generate Accessibility Information (Tags) for Acrobat checked

Test 2: File > Form Properties > Save Options > Generate Accessibility Information (Tags) for Acrobat unchecked

When opening Test 1 in Acrobat and applying Read Out Loud, the text before and including the link in bullet 2 is omitted - only "to understand your responsibilities" is read. Otherwise, the reader follows the tab order set in AEM.

When opening Test 2 in Acrobat, the Popup "Prepare document for screen reader" appears. The full text is read, however, the tab order set in AEM is ignored, and the reader proceeds in a top>bottom, left>right mode.

Test1 tags: Image displaying that the text "Before you fill out this form, read What Is Proof of Service? (form APP-109-INFO" is not tagged.

Why does AEM generate faulty tags? As you know, it is NOT possible to modify an XFA form in Acrobat.

I would also note that if not fixed, this is going to be an issue for state and local government customers given the DOJ's issuance of its final rule on accessibility of web content. For more, see https://www.ada.gov/resources/2024-03-08-web-rule/.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

This is a known issue in . You can upgrade to designer to find fix to your tagging issue. I would recommend to go with x64 bit . 

How to upgrade :- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/forms/install-aem-forms/jee...

View solution in original post

10 Replies


Level 3

Any takers on this one? Adobe?


Level 3

Hey Adobe - I do not have the required rights to open a ticket. To us, this is an enormous issue. Can someone please help get some traction on this?


Do we think this issue may be related to links?



Hello @CØK 

We would need more data to analyse the cause of this issue.

If you can share the template file and the config file (xci) used here to create the PDF, that would be helpful.



Level 3

I don't know what you mean by the ".xci" file. As mentioned we use desktop version 6.5.17. We are not on Creative Cloud - it is a stand-alone desktop version of AEM. Does that make sense? I have a strong suspicion that the issue is connected to the link issue as well - see post at https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-forms/tab-order-goes-to-li...




Test1 -> As i can check ,You have generated this pdf using designer and list item is not tagged properly , that's why screen reader/Read aloud loud is only enunciating "to understand your responsibilities" , Please checkscreenshotTest1.png . You can upgrade to SP21 designer and generate desired pdf to fix this issue.


Test2 -> test2.pdf is not tagged, We need to tag this pdf in creation process , please try with SP21 designer .


Let me know if more input required.


Level 3

We have purchased, at substantial cost, a solution - AEM Designer - that claims to perform specific tasks, including generating accessibility tags from an appropriately structured document. Test1 is, as you mention, created in Designer. The problematic section is structured as a List with List Items. There is a running-text link which seems to create the problem - at least this is where the document, when opened in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, ignores everything prior to and including the link.


Can we not trust that the software actually generates accessibility tags even when that option is checked?



I do not know what "SP21" Designer is and am not in a position to spend additional funds to make something we already have work as expected.


Level 3

And, indeed, if you remove the hyperlink, Read Out Loud functions exactly as intended - see attached file


Level 3

Also, please specify what "list item is not tagged properly" means - how are we supposed to tag it if not as a list item?



Hi @CØK ,

As mentioned by you(We use desktop version 6.5.17.)  , you are currently on designer, You can upgrade to . You can find resolution to both of the issues. 

How to upgrade :- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/forms/install-aem-forms/jee...



Correct answer by

This is a known issue in . You can upgrade to designer to find fix to your tagging issue. I would recommend to go with x64 bit . 

How to upgrade :- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/forms/install-aem-forms/jee...