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Update Confidence score for smart tag in AEMasCloud


Level 8

Hi All,

Till AEM 6.5 if we need to update the confidence score for Smart tag we can update com.day.cq.dam.similaritysearch.internal.impl.SimilaritySearchServiceImpl OSGi Config. However this is no longer available in AEMasCloud.

For updating confidence score of Video asset we can use com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.senseisdk.SenseiSdkImpl.cfg.json with below value



Looking for similar OSGI config for Image Asset and its config values.  

Thank you

4 Replies


Level 8

Found the solution, Please ignore for creating the question.


Community Advisor

@AnkurAhlawat Can you please post the answer here so that community users get help. Thank you in advance.



@AnkurAhlawat Requests you to please share the solution with the community for posterity. 

Kautuk Sahni