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Timeline | page versioning related


Level 2

Hi , I'm facing one issue in my environment , I have created one page and it have more than 5 versions and comments are also there for that page , now in the Timeline I'm not able to see the versions of the page , but I can able see the comments.

and in the jcr properties,mix:lockable is there , is this issue was occuring by this ..?

else can you please provide me any solution regarding this

13 Replies


Community Advisor

@vardhan218 : Just to be sure, in Timeline, there is a drop-down and you have selected either 'Show All' or 'Versions'? After doing this if you still don't see them.

Please try to restore the previous versions by doing-

1. Select a page in sites.

2. Click on Restore, you may see an option to 'Restore Version'

Please try these and let me know of it works for you.




Level 2

Hi Kamal_Kishore,

Yes, in the dropdown, there is an option for versions. However, even after selecting versions, I am unable to see any version information. Additionally, when inspecting the 'jcr:properties' in the version history, there are no nodes corresponding to versions present.



Community Advisor

@vardhan218 : That explains why you are not seeing the versions in timeline.
Are you seeing option to create a fresh version of the page, you can do that to see if there is some sort of version purge happening in your instance.
Can you do this to see if there is an option to restore the versions-

1. Select a page in sites.

2. Click on Restore, you may see an option to 'Restore Version'



Level 2

yes ,I can see option to create a fresh version of the page, even after creating a new version, it was showing only newly created version.

didn't find 'Restore Version' option there, only these three are available,
2.compare to current
3.revert to this version.


Community Advisor

@vardhan218 : Did you move/package content from different instance/env?
Maybe the versions were purged or deleted manually or content package itself was overridden.

If you can see the new versions, then I don;t see anything wrong with it.



Level 2

I will check and let you know,
Apart from that under version-manager (in system/console/configmngr) Enable-Purging was checked, and
max-version age =30,
min-no-versions is =0.

by Enable-Purging , after completing max-version-age, those versions will purge automatically..? 


Community Advisor

@vardhan218 - thanks for sharing this.

max-version age =30 - At max, your version will be kept for 30 days (it can be purged before that as well if max number of versions are reached)
max-no-versions=5, (Maximum number of versions to keep, if version goes above this count, they are purged automatically)
min-no-versions is =0 (Minimum number of versions to be maintained, since it is 0, all versions would have been purged which were older than 30 days)

As per this configuration, your older versions were deleted after 30 days, since there was no minimum version set for your instance. I hope this explains your case.

If you want to always keep some versions for your assets/pages irrespective of their age (days), update this config min-no-versions to a non zero value, but keeping this value too high will make your repository to grow quickly so try to keep it less than 5 unless you have specific requirements.




Level 2

Here, for some other pages are showing more than 5 versions even they are created before a month ago. version-manager configuration rule will be applicable for all pages, so why those pages are not purging ...? again I struck there.


Community Advisor


: Can you please share a snapshot of those versions with dates when they were created?


Level 2

1.38 which was created on the feb 7th 2024

1.39 which was created on the march 8th 2024.



@vardhan218 Did you find the suggestion helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.

Kautuk Sahni