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Steps to create a custom metadata schema form field - Accordion component.


Level 1

I want to added a custom field that can show/hide a set of fields similar to Accordion or create a composite multi field. Generic use case can be to add : Multiple  Address[with Multi[Address lines],state,city and county] as metadata.

Please suggest if we have any documentation or clear step to create a custom multi-multi feild into this Form. I understand I have to do below steps but

1. Update  /libs/dam/gui/coral/components/admin/schemaforms/formbuilder/builditems.jsp

2. Create a custom component /libs/dam/gui/coral/components/admin/schemaforms/formbuilder/formfields

Looking for what are must items that needs to be performed in creating my custom component will be very useful.

2 Replies


Level 10

There is no example on how to perform this use case.


Level 10