Hi, I recently took over a 6.5 AEM DAM with thousands of images on it. I have been tasked to audit the assets - keep relevant, delete / archive old and unreferenced.I do not have coding / developer access so will strictly use interface only. Is there someone who went through similar task and can sha...
Issue: Auto publishing of Remote DAM assets/Connected Assets from Sites after updating the assets in Remote DAM In AEMaaCS , have both AEM Sites and Assets program separately and configured connected assets for Assets SYNC. When author updates assets in AEM assets program there is a sync operations...
Hello I have a requirement to create API end points to access and do the following in Adobe Experience Cloud Assets,a. Browse assets in a paginated mannerb. Filter assets based on the metadata by applying 1 or more filters at the same time (including custom metadata)c. Search through the assetsd. Do...
Verify that there are no special Latin characters when importing asset metadata.Select the UTF-8 Unicode type if the metadata is stored in Excel and you intend to save it as a CSV.Consider exporting metadata for specific custom properties only.Ensure that the custom namespace is correctly registere...
Hi, I am currently facing an issue with the migration of asset metadata from one aem instance to another aem instance using the App Builder. While i have successfully able to migrate the asset and their metadata from one aem instance to another. I have noticed that the metadata values are being copi...
Hello - Is anyone else having issues with the OOTB tag merge/move function in AEM?When we merge/move a tag, it will merge, but it will not stay in the asset properties after we add the new tag to an asset via the tag field. This is happening in dev and prod. (Access isn't part of the issue.)
Hi Brains Trust, On onsite AEM DAM I am facing a challenge - users can upload files with the same filenames that already exist in the library. Some filenames are the same, but have either first capital letter or lower case... I want to block such option. Anyone uploading a file with the filename tha...
Hello,I am trying to update the Dynamic Media configuration to restrict certain MIME types (e.g., documents and PDFs) from being published or processed by Dynamic Media. Due to legal constraints and compliance requirements, we cannot store these types of documents on Dynamic Media as it is hosted on...
Whenever we run a workflow to push the asset to S3, we are facing the below error. 16.09.2024 19:01:25.771 *ERROR* [oak-ds-async-upload-thread-10] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.UploadStagingCache Error adding file to backend org.apache.jackrabbit.core.data.DataStoreException: Could not uplo...
There is an issue in AEM DAM where multiple assets are sharing the same dam:sha1 value, despite being distinct files. These assets were uploaded via a different server, and when downloaded, they have a file size of 0 KB and most of them has status: Error [Upload failed]. AEM version: 6.5 What could ...