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How to add custom action tool bar on aem asset selection ?


Level 2

I want to add a button on asset tool bar, when I hit custom button a pop should be appear and in pop all selected asset should be list,
For example we have already a button Share link, and when we click on share link then a pop is appeared with list, see the below screenshot, Similarly I want a new custom button and in pop a list display for all selected asset






2 Replies


Community Advisor

@Shahid_Siddiqui_04 You can refer to the below approach:

1. JavaScript should extend the existing functionality of the asset selection toolbar. Example:  

(function(document, $) {
'use strict';

$(document).on('foundation-contentloaded', function(e) {
var toolbar = $(".granite-collection-actionbar");
if (toolbar.length > 0) {
var customButton = $('<button is="coral-button" variant="primary" icon="add" title="Custom Action">Custom Action</button>');

customButton.on('click', function() {
// Add your custom action logic here
alert('Custom action triggered');
})(document, Granite.$);

2. Update your component to include the newly created client library

<clientlibs js="custom-asset-toolbar" />

Hi @diksha_mishra Thankyou for reply, can you please explain this more? 
I want to add my new custom button somewhere in tool bar after asset selection, and then I can perform my custom logic
/libs/dam/gui/content/assets/jcr:content/actions/selection this is action path tool bar path