What metadata field are you using to capture SKU numbers in AEM? We've mapped an xmp field using the 'headline' field to show as sku within AEM but now unable to use same fields for Content Hub configuration.
I am trying to create a content fragment using the post request using /api/assets, it is working fine for all the other Content Fragment Data Type but not for the Data Type JsonObject. Below is the request i am trying and it is not working. But if i pass a single object in my jsonArray, my content f...
HelloI would like to understand what all file formats does DM supports. I understand that DM is primarily for delivering media files like images, videos, audio etc. But can we use DM to deliver files like docx, xlx, ppt, pdf etc which are uploaded to AEM and synced with DM. Does that make any sense ...
I have created a custom multifield component consisting of three text fields. What steps should I need to perform to add the component to assets metadata schema? Thanks!
Hey, Wondering if there is a simple, end user friendly solution (not having to write a 5 page code, or any at all) to change the default folder thumbnails look. It is clear how to change the thumbnail, so lets skip that part. Currently all thumbnails are covered in black shade that takes 70% of the ...
Hi all, I'm looking to understand further details on the AEM Digital Librarian certification exam:Once I register for the exam, how soon do I need to take it?Is this open book/open note?Also, are there any additional resources for prepping for this exam? I've been working with AEM for a year and I'v...
Hi,We have noticed that the shared link generated through the "share link" functionality in AEM assets is not working (giving a blank page). This was working, and it looks like this issue started occurring after the AEM (cloud service) upgrade to 2024.8.17465.20240813T175259Z. Has anyone faced somet...
Hi, I want to run a report of assets in a folder with custom columns for the metadata properties dam:sha1{{String}} and xmpMM:DocumentID{{String}}. I can see these columns and their values when I export all metadata of a folder, but due to a large volume of assets I don't want to export all metadata...