Hi Team,
We have a use case in our project and need to move close to 100k assets to a different folder. We tried using AEM OOTB move functionality but it is extremely slow. I wanted to understand -
@manpreetk908 AEM OOTB Move has a limited no. of asset support. While ACS commons is an open source utility to help with bulk operations.
I would recommend you disable the DAM Update Asset Workflow first and then try MCP Tools on 10-20k assets at a time. This will save alot of time and manual effort. More info here: https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/mcp-tools/index.html
I am yet to try options for Cloud instance and will be able to comment later on this point.
Thanks for your response!
We are using Assets as a cloud and don't have DAM Update Asset workflow. We have already disabled other workflows to reduce system impact. We are not using ACS commons currently as it is not supported by cloud and in case it has a significant performance over AEM operations, I was planning to explore it with our cloud instance.
Do advice in case you have any other suggestion for us.
Ver 5 and above are is supported in the cloud.
I was aware that only few limited ACS commons features are cloud compatible. Even the cloud manager pipeline reports sonar quality issues when we attempt to deploy ACS commons to AEM cloud instances.