

AEM Assets Video Smart Crop


Community Advisor

I am using AEM 6.5 Assets and need to explore Video Smart Crop Feature.

I have created and applied the video profile to one of the folders where I uploaded a sample video.

I see the smart crop option, but no crop profiles appear in the dropdown. Can someone help as this a new feature and I couldn't find any help doc article.




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Level 4

Hi Diksha,

As part of your profile, you need to enable the Smart Crop Ratio tool to select pre-defined aspect ratios. So, did you enable it and added the crop ratios? Try creating a new video profile, enable smart crop, and add some crop ratios. Apply this on a new folder and check the video, the option will show up. Here is the help article you can use: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/assets/dynamic/video-profiles.html#abou...




8 返信


Level 4

Hi Diksha,

As part of your profile, you need to enable the Smart Crop Ratio tool to select pre-defined aspect ratios. So, did you enable it and added the crop ratios? Try creating a new video profile, enable smart crop, and add some crop ratios. Apply this on a new folder and check the video, the option will show up. Here is the help article you can use: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/assets/dynamic/video-profiles.html#abou...




Level 2

Hi Diksha,

Were you able to solve this issue?


I'm facing the same problem with image profiles . I couldn't find any docs that helps me resolve this.


Community Advisor

I followed the exact same steps @Vikas_Bharti  and below is a screenshot of my video profile:


When applied to a new folder> I uploaded a new video> Clicked Smart Crop> Nothing comes in dropdown as shown in my original post. Why?


Level 2
Same issue with image profiles for me. Did you add dynamic media account details in cloud configurations? Do we need dynamic media account for this feature, i'm not sure


Community Advisor
yes you need dynamic media configured for smart crop to function properly. Image crop options work as expected for me, but not video.


Level 2
okay Thanks. I was just running aem in dynamic media mode. I thought that was enough to make use of these features.


Level 4

Hi Diksha,


The smart crop for videos work differently than images. For videos it won't show the renditions for you to edit by clicking on Smart Crop, instead, you've to create a Viewer Preset with Rich Media Type as Smart Crop Video to use them. The URL which gets generated from the smart crop viewer would crop the video according to the screen size you are viewing based on the smart crop profile values.

Screenshot 2020-05-21 at 5.23.59 AM.png




Level 4
Hi Diksha,