All of a sudden today, all of our access to DTM through the legacy URL isn't working. My usual bookmarked login page, says Please login via Marketing Cloud to access greyed out companies.
What is the Marketing Cloud homepage and how do I then navigate to DTM? Believe it or not, no amount of troubleshooting or Googling, or client care calls are getting me there...
Solved! Go to Solution.
It means the administrator has enabled logging in only from a marketing cloud login. You can login via marketing cloud using you can then click the nine dots at the top right and click activation and then DTM and this should take you straight in to the interface.
It means the administrator has enabled logging in only from a marketing cloud login. You can login via marketing cloud using you can then click the nine dots at the top right and click activation and then DTM and this should take you straight in to the interface.
arob87 wrote...
It means the administrator has enabled logging in only from a marketing cloud login. You can login via marketing cloud using you can then click the nine dots at the top right and click activation and then DTM and this should take you straight in to the interface.
If this doesn't work, you may need to check with your Marketing Cloud Administrator for permissions. If your DTM company has been enabled for Marketing Cloud login, they will be able to manage user permissions in the Adobe Enterprise Dashboard. Please let me know if you have any questions or trouble regaining access to your account.
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Hi laurenm,
Did you still need assistance with this issue? If not, would you like to mark arob87's answer correct?
Thank you,
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Thank you, yes it had to be managed via the Adobe Enterprise Dashboard, which had never happened before. All of a sudden we had to set everything up, but now we're good to go. Still not sure what/who triggered that change though!
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