On 10th May, 2021, Adobe I/O Runtime has added support for Node 14 for JavaScript actions. Node 14 will be made default after June 10, 2021. For the next 90 days we will have pre-warm containers for both Node 14 and 12.After 90 days, we will have pre-warm container only for Node 14. Action: Please u...
We are designing dresses, Our designers create the design (image) and assign some attributes to this design, these attributes should load from our web application, once the design and assigning attributes are done, we need a way to push this image with all attributes back to our web service. I can c...
Hi, I hope you are doing good! We are facing a weird issue in our project firefly app development, in our API layer (using actions here; in node.js) we are trying to establish AEP datasets and issuing some query against the dataset using ODBC strategy (Not HTTP Query Service); On invoking the REST e...
We are planning to host an API in Adobe IO runtime. This we planned to be accessed by browser.We want to throttle the API however based on requesting client IP? Can this be achieved? Kindly point us to documentation around this.There is a mention about using the X-FORWARDED-FOR can be used as a vari...
HiWhy the api www.adobe.io/apis/creativecloud/lightroom/apidocs.html#/albums/createAlbum only allows "project" and "project_set" as subtype ?...This entry is not relevant to Lightroom App (the plan without PS) . Maybe it can be used in LR Classic. I wanted to automate album creation by parsing me...
Good team!The problem I am trying to solve is the following:From adobe io runtime we are deploying an app. One of its functions is to take a certain document and upload it to FTP. The problem we are encountering is that as indicated in this link https://adobedocs.github.io/adobeio-runtime/resources/...
Hello Team, I'm working on POC where I need to access Adobe I/O runtime. I'm following below link to setup my environment https://www.adobe.io/apis/experienceplatform/runtime/docs.html#!adobedocs/adobeio-runtime/master/getting-started/setup.md Under Creating a Namespace and retrieving the credenti...
Hello,I'm trying to create a Firefly app to integrate with ACS API and meet below use cases though I'm unable to find relevant APIs. Please point to the relevant API details.1. I want to fetch data (especially tracking data) about the deliveries like number of sent, delivered, bounced, opened, click...
Hello, I am trying to run a App Builder project with the following command: aio app run However, I am getting this error in the terminal: OpenWhiskError: Unknown Error From API: self signed certificate in certificate chain Please let me know what's wrong. Regards, Saif