We have been told to migrate our login credentials to use Oauth but i cannot find an example of the code to use. Can anyone help me convert this code to Oauth.Example Node Code :const PDFServicesSdk = require('@adobe/pdfservices-node-sdk'); try { // Initial setup, create credentials instance. co...
Hello,I need to disable module output for the Magento_banner module. I'm tried to disable the module output using the DevDocs reference link, Also I have followed the same step as per the given reference but it is not working.I'm using the Magento Commerce cloud 2.4.3-p1 version.I followed the same ...
Hi, I wish to change the asset name while sending it to Scene7. For example, if I upload an asset in AEM author instance (/content/dam/project1/collection/summer.jpg)By default, this asset will be synchronized with Scene7/DM with the same name. However, I want an asset to be pushed to Scene7 by a di...
Hi guys, i am getting below error(check in ss) while same code is worked for calling soap (as post request through wsdl function) APIs through Soap library(NodeJS) previously. I am writing my code as well, help from anyone is appreciated. Note: i have installed soap,util library already through npm...
Hi,We are trying one scenario where user goes from native mobile app to website,Here we need to create audience based on the native app behavior and then use that audience to target in website.To accumplished this passing the customer ID both in native app and webstie using setcustomer ID function ....
Amazon Marketplace shows over $2200 in new charges yesterday for the PDF API: Yet my app that integrates with this service shows that it wasn't invoked at all. Adobe chat support is incapable of helping me as they don't see any "active plans" in my account. Can anyone help point me in the right dir...
Hi, I am trying to write generated PDF document from XML Form Service to JCR by using below line of code. but i am getting below error intermittently while running couple of transactions. Please help. Code:com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetManager assetMgr = resourceResolver.adaptTo(com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetMa...
Hello, My team and I are beginners in using Adobe APIs, and we are currently working on a tool that will use Adobe Java api's to convert PDFs to DOCs (using Java pdfservices-sdk 3.3.0). I downloaded the code examples but they only show how to do a synchronous pdf export (using ExportPDFOperation.exe...
Hi, we have an on premise configuration for the Adobe Sync Tool currently and are looking at moving to the new OAuth server to server credential setup. Once we start the migration in the Adobe developer portal does our on premise Sync Tool need any configuration changes made to it?