Hi,In my project adobe experience manager as cloud service,I have an embedded component in which is possible to configure spotify's iFrames. My team and I are trying to track the play,pause,and milestones events of the iframe trough the Web Playback Spotify Sdk but we are not sure it could work. Do ...
I have been working on creating an API request that will return the audit logs only for a specific property. I understand that for the reactor API, I can return all the available data with:curl https://reactor.adobe.io/audit_events However, I have been able to find a way to add a filter or even adju...
Is there an API that provides the status of files in a folder, indicating whether they are published, in preview, or have no status? I couldn't find this information in the AEM Live documentation.
I can only generate the access token when I create a project. I did send offline_access in scope and grant type but received invalid grant type error response. Any ideas or suggestions? repsonse :{"error": "unsupported_grant_type"}
We have set up Adobe Commerce 2.4.7-p1 with sample data and successfully configured PWA Studio to be compatible by following these steps: Ran the command:yarn create @magento/pwa Set up a custom origin:yarn buildpack create-custom-origin ./ Exported the required environment variable:export NODE_OPTI...
inexplicably the cache is being periodically deleted, the scheduled tasks have already been reviewed, and the task for this purpose does not exist. What can be the cause ???
Hi everyone,In Powerautomate using the Adobe Sign connector, I am inserting 3 documents, which I can only include the signature, how can I include the "initials"[{"memberInfos": [{"email": @{outputs('Compor_-_Email_Recursos_Humanos_Assinatura')}}],"order": 1,"role": "SIGNER"},{"memberInfos": [{"emai...
Hi Community,Do anyone have successful implementation or recommendation on writing monorepo for AppBuilder projects? My problem statement is, I have multiple webaction projects for microservice and microfrontend. I want to bring all packages under single monorepo. I found adobe recommended packagis...
Hi All, Have created a new AEM dev instance, the end point is set properly but when clicking on any link on the home page it is hitting the publisher server instead of endpoint domain.Tried few configurations in the dispatcher file when we remove the Rewrite rule which truncated the content path it...
Hello,We are trying to add a functionality that requires to get data from created generic lists, however trying to retrieve this file in publish returns a 404 error, is there a way for this folder to be present in our publish instance or should we find another way to parse the data.In author it does...