i am using adobe PDF service to extract the table and text from the PDF document. I am using python SDK for the testing. But, I stuck on the following issue. INFO:adobe.pdfservices.operation.internal.pdf_services_helper:Started uploading assetINFO:adobe.pdfservices.operation.internal.pdf_services_h...
Hello there, I am trying to extract the tables from the PDF. Currently, I am using the PDF service python SDK. But, I am facing a problem in extraction results. The extracted results looks like encoded or corrupted. I have attached a screenshot of extracted table below. Additionally, Following JSON ...
I am trying to extract both text and tables from PDF document using python sdk. But, extracted data might be corrupted or encoded differently in my case. I have added sample o/p below. Do you have any idea, how to fix such issues during extraction. I have tested similar document in adobe pdf to exce...
Hi ,I am trying to extract data from a PDF however, i want the data to be extracted in a key value paired. For example, if PDF has a place that says enter "First name and and Middle Initial". Then this will act as the key. When the user enters their First name and Middle initial", then that will ...
I want to investigate the use of HEIC assets in AEM. We would need the capability to upload/create renditions and render them on the page. I have uploaded the HEIC format images(eg: sample.heic) in AEM dam. But, I am unable to see the image. could you please help me to upload/create renditions and r...
I'm migrating from Adobe Analytics API v1.4 to v2.0 and need help finding the equivalent endpoint for ReportSuite.SaveEvars.Current Implementation (v1.4):Using ReportSuite.SaveEvars endpointPart of the Report Suite APIIssue:In v2.0's Swagger documentation, I cannot find the Report Suite API.While th...
Hi, I have created a dynamic board to pull in Workfront actions and update the action status from the board. All working fine with my custom status. When these actions are eventually converted into projects the status is managed from the project status (again working fine). As all projects start wi...
Hi, using magento security scan even if these patches are applied i can't validate the service. i use magento 237p3. Can you guys manage to help me? As I don't understand if I am still at risk.Thanks