Hi, I am trying to minify my css using the Adobe Granite HTML Library Manager to remove new line (Or possibly called line breaks). I have tried a few configurations for the css processor:min:yuimin:yui;line-break=-1min:yui;lineBreak=-1 None of them have worked. I am wondering if there is a configur...
Added custom property(metadata) to the form. formfinalized=fasle.Now on onclick event of the formfieldI do see the property along with other metadatavar Meta = event.target.metadata;xfa.host.messageBox(Meta, "Metadata of this form", 3,0);Now want to update formfinalized=true when button is clicked...
Hi All, I am working witht he Adobe Lifecycle Designer and are using the Subforms for printing out tables.The Header is in a separat Subform that is of the type "position".This is connected to the Subform as "overflow" where the Lines of the table are looped.The content of the table is dynamic - so ...
I have a weird bug when the dropdown doesnt work correctly.I have 5 segments and one of them has a breakdown by another segment like:ABC Breakdown SegmentDEand when I apply new segment for the whole panel, my segments get reranked based on first metric, but breakdown remains at the same place and...
My team is looking into the possibility of using the Reactor API in order to 1) edit rules and data elements via a code editor (i.e. VSCode) and 2) backup everything to bitbucket. The second objective seems doable using the reactor-downloader library, with the caveat that it'll show the latest revis...
I've created a sitemap XML for our site using Apache Sling Sitemap - Sitemap Generator Manager. However, I'm looking for a way to change the hostname in this section: <loc>http://localhost:4502/content/blablabla/us.sitemap.test7-sitemap.xml</loc>. I want to remove the /content part. Any suggestions?...
Hey folks! I encountered a scenario where I needed to grant authors the ability to create cookies at the page level. To achieve this, I added a new tab to the page alongside existing tabs like 'Advanced,' etc. Authors can input cookie names and values, and everything works as expected until a redire...
A data warehouse is created by transforming an operational database to a data warehouse. The transformation includes a series of steps of data manipulation, such as extracting, cleaning, aggregating, summarising, combining, altering, appending, etc., all of which are called an Extract-Transform-Load...
"Hello Adobe Community,I'm currently working on a project to integrate a Zoom tool into my Adobe Illustrator extension and am seeking guidance. My goal is to enhance the functionality of Illustrator with Zoom's capabilities.So far, I have focused on the backend aspects of my Adobe Illustrator extens...