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Level 9

Hi All,


In campaign control panel under top 10 temporary resources, I can see workflows which have name =_XXXX

there are few with the same naming convention that are always present there but when I lookup in the instance, I cannot find them.


has anyone come across such a scenario? appreciate the help


I have added an example from the control panel screen.





11 Replies


Community Advisor



XXXX is the workflow ID




David Kangni


Level 9
sorry, I did not get that, if you see my image attached, that is how the workflows are looking in the control panel.


Community Advisor
yes, saw the image 50856839 is your workflow ID

David Kangni


Level 9
true, but when I check in campaign UI , I don't find this workfow, I am confused, if its showing in control panel, I should be able to find it in the instance somewhere right?


Level 9
Any idea where that would be hidden? It's weired.


Level 9
@DavidKangni, can you please assist me further, the issue is when I check in my adobe instance, there is no workflow found with that I'd


Employee Advisor

The issue is that it will show you the internal ID of the workflow which by default you don't see inside ACS.

Though you should be able to retrieve it by using a workflow query activity and an advanced mode condition like

 @ID = 50856839


Level 9
@ramon_bisswanger, Thanks for the response, I did try that however it still returns count zero for my query with the id = 50856839, not sure where this is hidden.


Level 9
@ramon_bisswanger, anything else I can try, not sure if I am missing something?


Employee Advisor
Then it's most likely a standard system workflow which you can't access via Query activity etc.


Level 9
@ramon_bisswanger, so does it mean it's hidden? It's constantly showing up in control panel under top 10 workflows utilizing space.