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Vlookup formula in List of Functions


Level 3


Can I create vlookup or hlookup formula inside our workflow?

The List of Functions under Advanced Parameters doesn't contain either vlookup or hlookup functions:


As you know vlookup  (or Vertical lookup) searches down the first column of a range for a key and returns the value of a specified cell in the row found.

Syntax: VLOOKUP(lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num, Range_lookup)

So how can we create ad-hoc functions if they are not listed under List of Functions?

13 Replies


Level 3


The link is broken. Can you provide the correct link?


Level 3


In the documentation, it points to a repository of functions inside Campaign:

"Further function examples can be found in the predefined package "xtk\datakit\funcList.xml":


Where in Campaign can I find the folder, "xtk\datakit\funcList.xml"; as I can't find "datakit" schema inside the "Data Schemas" folder:




Hello Jae,

It actually refers to the location in the server where this funclist.xml is present. It's under datakit/xtk/eng folder on the server.

from the console you can simply search for funclist under schemas and it should be there.





Level 3


I had attempted to search for "funclist" inside schemas folder and nothing shows up:


Also, how can I pull up or show the directory path inside Campaign?



Level 5

The directory path is referred to the server itself not in the Campaing

the func list is on the data schema but not sure what are you looking for there. if you are trying to write the functions please follow the document




Hi Jae,

Try searching with funcList instead of funclist as it's written in camel casing




Level 3

Yes, "funcList" worked. Found it in the data schema folder.

Thank you.


Level 10

Hey Jael,

Care to show the community your ad-hoc function code and paste some screenshots on what you can achieve with it.



Level 3


So I followed the documentation and formulated the following XML to be imported as a package into Campaign:


Here is the raw code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>


  namespace  = "nms"

  name        = "package-additional-funclist"

  label      = "Additional functions"

  buildVersion= "7.0"

  buildNumber = "8857">

  <entities schema="xtk:funcList">

    <funcList name="myList" namespace="jhl">

      <group name="ehl_functions" label="EHL Functions">

        <function name="vlookup" type="long" args="(&lt;vlookup&gt;)" help="Vertical (v)lookup searches down the first column of a range for a key and returns the value of a specified cell in the row found" minArgs="4" maxArgs="4" display="Vlookup will define based on parameters and arguments">

          <providerPart provider="SQL, MSSQL,Sybase,PostgreSQL" body="vlookup(lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num, Range_lookup)"/>






...which follows, I think, the documentation:


Here is the template code Adobe provides in the documentation, those blocks of code to be replaced, I've highlighted in red:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>


  namespace = "nms"

  name = "package-additional-funclist"

  label = "Additional functions"

  buildVersion= "6.1"

  buildNumber = "10000">

  <entities schema="xtk:funcList">

  <funcList name="myList" namespace="cus">

  <group name="date" label="Personalized date">

  <function name="relativeMaturity" type="long" args="(&lt;Âge&gt;)" help="Returns the difference between a date and 18 years"

  minArgs="1" maxArgs="1" display="Relative maturity of the person born on the date $1">

  <providerPart provider="MSSQL,Sybase,PostgreSQL" body="extract(year from age($1))-18"/>






So my raw code replaces replaces the Adobe's template sample with my own code (in red):


  namespace  = "nms"

  name        = "package-additional-funclist"

  label      = "Additional functions"

  buildVersion= "7.0"

  buildNumber = "8857">

  <entities schema="xtk:funcList">

    <funcList name="myList" namespace="jhl">

      <group name="ehl_functions" label="EHL Functions">

        <function name="vlookup" type="long" args="(&lt;vlookup&gt;)" help="Vertical (v)lookup searches down the first column of a range for a key and returns the value of a specified cell in the row found" minArgs="4" maxArgs="4" display="Vlookup will define based on parameters and arguments">

          <providerPart provider="SQL, MSSQL,Sybase,PostgreSQL" body="vlookup(lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num, Range_lookup)"/>






Yet, when I try to load, (import as a package)  I am getting this error:


Can anyone define what's wrong with either the code (presuming someone went there before--loading customized functions into Campaign) or anything else? Did I formulate the <body> tag correctly with the right syntax?

Vlookup syntax is the following: vlookup(lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num, Range_lookup)


Level 3

So the syntax is relatively simple:

<entities schema="xtk:funcList">
<funcList name="myList" namespace="jhl">
<group name="ehl_functions" label="EHL Functions">
<function name="vlookup" type="long"
args="(&lt;vlookup&gt;)" help="Vertical (v)lookup
searches down the first column of a range for a key and returns the value of a
specified cell in the row found" minArgs="4"
maxArgs="4" display="Vlookup will define based on four (4)
<providerPart provider="SQL, MSSQL,Sybase,PostgreSQL" body="vlookup($lookup_value,
$Table_array, $Col_index_num, $Range_lookup)"/>

Where $lookup_value, $Table_arry, $Col_index_num, $Range_lookup would be the actual xpath fields (i.e., columns or fields) that represents the values ($xpath field (attribute or column) for lookup_value, $xpath field (attribute or column) for Table_array, $xpath field (attribute or column) for Col_index_num, $xpath field (attribute or column) for Range_lookup).

Can someone validate this based on their own experience?