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Passing An Audience Label Or Id to Read An Audience


Level 1

Hey all -
I am looking to use a workflow that will allow reading the audiences we have in Campaign and passing the label or name to the Read Audience action.  It seems we can query and get a list of audiences in the Query action and we can even get them into the outbound transition.  However there does not seem to be any information in the inbound transition or vars on the Read Audience action that I can use to dynamically set which audience to read. 

Currently, here's what we are doing:

  1. Query All Audiences 
  2. Receive all information from audiences in outbound transition
  3. Dynamically Read Audience set from outbound data from query

We are finding the same issue with both Read or Save audience, that we cannot get the system to recognize data from a query or from a column in a file that is loaded in the system.


Has anyone come across this or found a different way to dynamically read/save an audience without having to utilize an API call?



5 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hm, you could try a potential hack:

  • Store the audience name in an option
  • Then use the option syntax in the dynamic field name (should be there with 21.1)
Thanks for the suggestion. I will give a try and see where it gets us.


Hi @johnl28707434, was the given solution helpful to resolve your query? Do let us know. Thanks!

Sukrity Wadhwa


Level 1
Ramon, Would you be able to explain a bit more about "store the audience name in an option"? While I thought I understood, it does not appear I know how to do that.


Hi @ramon_bisswanger, Can you help @johnl28707434 further? Thanks!

Sukrity Wadhwa