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Images not uploading in Creative Designer


Level 1


My company have recently signed up to Adobe Campaign and I'm trying to create a few test email templates to get an idea of what kind of designs we can achieve using the Creative Designer email builder. However, when I try to upload a JPG image to a build component the image doesn't appear and I get a broken link sign instead (screengrab below). On top of this, when I try to upload a GIF image the page gets stuck on a perpetual loading cycle which I then need to cancel and start all over again. This means I'm currently unable to create any Email templates.

Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at 14.34.43.png

I've tried contacting Adobe Support about this, but I don't seem to be 'a supported user within the Adobe Support system' so am unable to get any support. I'm trying to get my user status changed, but in the meantime I thought I'd see if I could get any help in the forums.


6 Replies


Level 6

My advice would be to use the default content editor and see if you experience the same problem. Also try hosting the image externally to see if that works for a temporary solution.

Since the new creative designer has been launched we’ve experienced nothing but problems with it so we avoid using it where possible. I understand Adobe are due to phase out the default editor though eventually so hopefully they iron out these bugs sooner rather than later.



Hi rupertc90947195,

It is a known issue for new customers. As per hosting you must have been provided with multiple frontal servers on the stage/production instance.

When you upload the image on ACS designer, they get uploaded to the first frontal server only as the login url only points to first server. The campaign has an inbuilt functionality to sync these images to other frontal servers in real time.

The URL used for getting these files is load-balanced and should be of type http://res.yourcompanysubdomain.maindomain.com

The problem here is that the syncfunctionalityy is not working on all servers and hence when you try to view the images if your request via the load-balanced url lands on 2nd or 3rd server, the image doesn't render.

Please open a ticket with support, one each for Stage and Prod (if you feel the problem exists on both instances) and support will get this fixed.



Level 1

Thanks for your detailed reply Vipul - it's very helpful. I'm not sure I fully understand when you say I need to open a ticket for both Stage and Prod though.

My main issue is accessing any kind of direct support from Adobe on this. I emailed customercare@adobe.com, but got a response saying "Your email address is not recognized as a supported user within the Adobe Support system". Our company account holder was then able to obtain a personal support email address, but I've yet to receive any response at all from that.

I've tried the 'Default Editor' (as suggested by @Digital B2B'er) but I'm having trouble working out how to use it as I've not had any training in it. In the meantime, I'm unable to design any templates which will shortly become a major issue for the company.



Level 6

Rupert, do you have any experience in coding email templates manually?

If not you may need to invest in getting someone to produce some branded templates that render well across multiple email clients. Once they are saved within ACS the maintenance of them is relatively straight-forward.

I don't think I would be comfortable using the default editor without familiarity of the code.

I know the Creative Editor is designed to try and bridge that gap as it offers the drag and drop editor. We've found though that by building our templates using this the rendering across email clients like Outlook is terrible, just a word of warning depending on what email client your customers/targets are likely to use.


Level 1

Hi Digital B2B'er

No, unfortunately I don't have any email coding experience.

I'm a graphic designer and my company have been using Dotmailer up to now to create and send emails - Dotmailer uses a drag and drop visual editor and whilst it wasn't the best, it was generally pretty serviceable for our needs. We've recently transferred over to Campaign for a number of reasons, but the understanding from a demonstration we received was that Campaign's visual editor would give is similar (hopefully better) control and flexibility in our email designs - it remains to be seen whether this will be the case!

At the moment I'd just like to be able to get some direct, first-hand support on this issue with the images, but that's yet to happen.

Thanks very much for your replies and advice - it's appreciated!


Level 6

Understood. Hopefully you get the support you need sooner rather than later.

Try building a template using the drag and drop editor. I found it to be relatively simple to build a template from scratch, and then for images if you have a hosting area you can temporarily use for the images drop them on there and hot link. We do this for certain images to ensure they are consistent with the photos on our website.

Good luck - happy to offer advice where I can, as I was in a similar position when we first transitioned across.