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Exercise issue -> Exercise 4 Part 2 (VisibleIf form modification not working)


Level 2

Hi Linda, team:

I have completed modofication of my custom form (ScottOrders) to have a VisibleGroup container for the @percent field, based on the @discounted boolean.

However, I find that it doesn't work - form creates fine (and displays without the visibility attributes) - but when the form is added via nav hierarchy to use, the container does not show when checking the Discounted checkbox.

Is the checkbox/boolean value evaluated "on check" ? or only after save ?  (doesn't work for me either way at the moment)

Any help would be appreciated !

1 Reply



Can you please post the visibleIf condition. I guess you are using a single equalto operator. In case of boolean we normally use doubleEqualTo "==". Hope that helps. In case you've already tried that request you to post your Form XML here