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REST API Timeout


Level 3

Hi Team,

We are calling an API endpoint from Adobe Campaign Java script activity by using :

var http = new HttpClientRequest(<Our API URL>) and the request is timing out before it could get a response from the End point/API (timing out at approximately 5 mins),

Is there any attribute in server config file which would set the timeout value to a higher number > 5 mins? OR

Do we have to add timeout attribute in the code itself. Do you have a sample code to share?



5 Replies


Level 8

Hello Ishani,

Try the following

  1. var http = new HttpClientRequest("yourhost.com"
  2. http.execute() 
  3. var response = http.response 
  4. for(var i in response.header) 
  5.   logInfo("header[" + i + "] => " + response.header[i]) 

Should give you something like

js3 header[Date] => Wed, 05 Jul 2017 10:10:13 GMT

js3 header[Server] => Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)

js3 header[Vary] => Accept-Encoding

js3 header[Content-Length] => 291

js3 header[Keep-Alive] => timeout=5, max=100

js3 header[Connection] => Keep-Alive

js3 header[Content-Type] => text/html; charset=iso-8859-1  

You can use the following code as well

var API = 'http://yourwebserviceendpoint.com'

var http = new  HttpClientRequest(API);

http.method = "GET";

http.header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";

http.header["Accept"] = "application/json";

http.header["Authorization"] = "Basic Z3XNlbmRleHRlc3QxQGdtYWlsLmNvbTpsb2dpbjEyMzQ="; // replace with your authorization code


var response = http.response;




Level 3

Thanks Venu.

We are able to send the request but it seems to time out after 5 minutes. My questions is - How do we increase the time out to 10 mins instead?


Level 8

Hello Ishani,

The default connect timeout for outgoing http connection is 5sec.

You can change the connection timeout in server.conf file using the attribute value http_connect_timeout.

Click here for more details http://docs.graylog.org/en/3.0/pages/configuration/server.conf.html#web-rest-api




Level 10

Hi Isha,

Please change your serverConf.xml file, the section with urlPermission to allow outgoing connection.

This is documented in section "Outgoing connection protection" in this documentation:

Configuring Campaign server

It was added about 2 years ago in a build for security reasons.



Level 10

Hi Isha,

Moreover, you should always use:

     <your code>



     logWarning("Error number: " + e );

so the timeout message would have been much more clearer.
Same for other kind of errors.

Then you have a look in the web.log file (on mta server or on applicative server depending on the pbject type) to read the error details.
