Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Campaign Community Mentorship program! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Campaign Community Mentor, ParthaSarathy Senthil Muthu (a.k.a. @ParthaSarathy), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Campaign questions as you prepare for the Adobe Campaign Classic Developer Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E331), through to the end of the program.
Aspirants mapped to ParthaSarathy Senthil Muthu (a.k.a. @ParthaSarathy
How to participate
Quick links
Let's grow together!
Hi Everyone!
It's nice to meet you all and I look forward to working with you during this program and helping you in your path to get Certify!
Let's use this thread to communicate and discuss. Please feel free to share interesting learnings as we go, to help each other get the certification.
Quick links for Module toolkits:
Module 1: System configuration
Module 2: Customization
Module 3: Operational Security
Module 4: Technical Workflows
Module 5: Instance Maintenance
Module 6: Campaign Configuration
Happy Learning!
@seungminl @playlikeloki7 @irasharma13 @sukumar16090 @SD_11 @hzine
Hi @ParthaSarathy ,
I've tried answering to one of the questions in community. Please have a look at it.
Below is the link: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-campaign-classic-questions/import-in-delta-mo...
Good work Sanchari @SD_11 !
Exploring community questions and trying to figure out the answer will definitely helps us to improve our knowledge on the Product.
I would encourage you all to be actively involve in community now and beyond the mentorship program as well.. Keep going..!
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Hi @seungminl @playlikeloki7 @irasharma13 @sukumar16090 @SD_11 @hzine ,
Please take a moment to go through the toolkit provided in Module 1 for this week.
Module 1: System configuration
1.1 Data schemas
1.2 About schema edition
1.3 Schema structure
1.4 List of Campaign Classic options
1.5 Configure your external accounts
1.6 About campaign typologies
Attached is the first toolkit and If you have any questions or queries regarding the material, feel free to share them here. We are here to assist you.
Happy Learning!
Thanks @ParthaSarathy , looking forward to explore more on this topic.
Thanks @ParthaSarathy , I think the link in the document is not working. Could you please check if it is working?
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Hi @seungminl ,
Thanks for bringing this to notice. We will update the file with links.
Meanwhile you can refer the below links while going through the toolkit Module-1
Page-3: Regenerating schemas
Page-7: Updating the database structure. refer to this section. Extending a schema
Page-8: Data schemas
Page-9: Enumerations <enumeration> element Indexed fields
Page-10: Management of keys Data schemas
Page-11: <attribute> element Mapping the types of Adobe Campaign/DBMS data
Attribute description
Page-14: Updating the database structure Regenerating schemas
Page-17: <attribute> element <element> element
Page-20: Referencing with XPath.
Page 26 to 38: Links on OPTIONS
Page-39: Enterprise (FFDA) deployment To check your version, refer to this section.
Page-40: Learn more about inbound emails in this page.
Page-41: Before configuring your POP3 external account using Microsoft OAuth 2.0, you first need to register your application in the Azure portal. For more on this, refer to this page.
For the other links from Page 41 to 43, you can refer here
About campaign typologies (Page 43 - 45)
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Hi @seungminl @playlikeloki7 @irasharma13 @sukumar16090 @SD_11 @hzine ,
Please find attached PDF document with updated links.
(Updated in main thread attachment as well)
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Module 1: System configuration
1.1 Data schemas
1.2 About schema edition
1.3 Schema structure
Generic points to be considered while creating a NEW schema:
<enumeration basetype="" default="" name="">
<value label="" name="" value="0"/>
<value label="" name="" value="1"/>
<element name="" label="">
<compute-string expr="" />
<dbindex name="myIndex">
<keyfield xpath="@customPrimaryKey"/>
<key internal="true" name="primaryKey">
<keyfield xpath="@customPrimaryKey"/>
<sysFilter name="writeAccess|readAccess">
<condition enabledIf="" expr=""/>
<attribute name="" Label="" type=""/>
<attribute name="" Label="" type=""/>
<attribute name="" Label="" type=""/>
<element label="" name="" revLable="" target="abc:targetSchema" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="" xpath-src=""/>
@seungminl @playlikeloki7 @irasharma13 @sukumar16090 @SD_11 @hzine
Feel free to share any interesting points which you had gone through in Module1 tool kit.
Module 1: System configuration
1.4 List of Campaign Classic options
1.5 Configure your external accounts
1.6 About campaign typologies
List of all out of the box options are explained in detail in toolkit-1.
You can also create a new option and can store variable from one workflow, and you can call this variable in another workflow using setOption() getOption() functionality.
Using external account you can integrate adobe campaign with AEM, AWS S3, Adobe Experience Cloud, Azure, Bounce mails (POP3), Execution instance, External database, FTP, Facebook Connect, HTTP, Hadoop, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, POP3, Routing, SFTP, Salesforce.com, Web Analytics, WebEx.
You can connect with following external databases:
Amazon Redshift, AsterData, Azure Synapse Analytics, DB2, Google BigQuery, HTTP relay to remote database, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Netezza, ODBC (Sybase ASE, Sybase IQ), Oracle, PostgreSQL, Greenplum, SAP HANA, Snowflake, Teradata, Vertica Analytics
Note: Go to /Administration/Platform/External Accounts/ and create a new external account and analyze what are the required fields for each type of external account.
There are 4 types of typology rules.
1) Filtering rules - If you want to exclude a part of recipients based on criteria, you can use this type. Example, If you want to exclude recipient's whose age is less than 18, then you create and use Filtering typology rule.
2) Pressure rules - To control marketing fatigue. Example, In a week if you want to send only 2 emails per recipient, then you can use pressure rules.
3) Capacity rules - let you limit loads to guarantee optimal processing conditions. Example, If you run a call campaign and not to exceed the processing capacity of call center, you can use this capacity rule.
4) Control rules - let you check the validity of messages before they are sent. For Example, if you don't want a delivery to get triggered if there is NO subject line or to do some validations before the delivery triggers, you can use control rules.
@seungminl @playlikeloki7 @irasharma13 @sukumar16090 @SD_11 @hzine
Feel free to share any interesting points which you had gone through in Module1 tool kit.
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Hi @seungminl @playlikeloki7 @irasharma13 @sukumar16090 @SD_11 @hzine ,
Hope you all gained knowledge from Module-1. Now It's time for Module-2
Please take a moment to go through the toolkit provided in Module 2 for this week.
Module 2: Customization
2.1 Edit schema
2.2 Extend a schema
2.3 Customize your instance
2.4 Use case: select seed addresses on criteria
2.5 About opt in and opt out in Campaign
Attached is the second toolkit and If you have any questions or queries regarding the material, feel free to share them here. We are here to assist you!
Happy Learning!
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Hello Everyone @seungminl, @playlikeloki7, @irasharma13, @sukumar16090, @SD_11, @hzine,
Stay tuned on this thread! We will be having a QUIZ question by tomorrow (4th October 2023) 7:30 PM IST and You can provide answer for it on or before 8th October.
Aspirant who provides the correct answer first will be receiving a Swag from Adobe
Hi @seungminl @playlikeloki7 @irasharma13 @sukumar16090 @SD_11 @hzine ,
I request and encourage all of you to try answering for the below QUIZ question.
QUIZ Question:
As a Developer, you are asked to integrate Adobe campaign classic with Adobe Target. What are the configurations you will make to integrate Adobe campaign classic with Adobe Target.
(Choose 3 options from below)
[A] Create an Option 'TNT_EdgeServer' and provide Adobe Target Domain Server as Value
[B] Create an External account of Type 'Adobe Target'
[C] Install the Integration with the Adobe Experience Cloud built-in package and Enable connection via IMS.
[D] Configure Adobe Target Client name and Domain Server details in External account of Type 'Adobe Target'
[E] Create an Option 'TNT_TenantName' and provide Name of the Adobe Target Client as Value.
Hi @ParthaSarathy ,
Options A, C and E.
A, C and E
Hi @ParthaSarathy ,
Options A,C and E
Excellent @SD_11 @hzine @sukumar16090 , That's correct!
Answer for the QUIZ question is Option [A] , [C] and [E]
What would be the reason for target integration using options not external account?
Is the configuration value being changed frequently? Or the concept of external account is not fit with Target integration?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @seungminl ,
External account of type 'Adobe Experience Cloud' is required for target integration. This gives access to the shared assets via Digital Asset Manager and to use images shared via Adobe Experience Cloud in email deliveries. So apart from this 'Adobe Experience Cloud' external account, we need to configure those both 'Options' for target integration.
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Congratulations @SD_11 for being the first aspirant to give the correct answer to the mentor quiz question!
Well done @hzine & @sukumar16090!
Seungmin Lee , Pukh Raj ,Ira Sharma
With that, I want to emphasise that the purpose of this quiz was never solely about winning; it was designed to be a tool for you all to test your knowledge and measure your progress in your learning journey.
I encourage each of you to actively participate in this Campaign Mentorship Program, engage with your mentors and fellow learners, and make the most of this valuable opportunity. Your dedication and hard work will be the true measure of your success!