Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Campaign Community Mentorship program! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Campaign Community Mentor, David Kangni (a.k.a. @DavidKangni), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Campaign questions as you prepare for the Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E329), through to the end of the program.
Aspirants mapped to David Kangni (a.k.a. @DavidKangni
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Let's grow together!
Hi all,
Hope you had a great week-end.
@Raj03 @Pallavi_Shukla_ @rajendra168 @Jeevith_AG @jhoyer_sd @EstebanBustamante @shachi
Please find attached the Toolkit 4 related to Delivery configuration. It's the second more important as it represents 28% of the Business Practitioner certification.
Section 4: Delivery configuration (28%)
Adobe Campaign acts like a unified order and execution center for marketing strategies. ACC lets you define, optimize, execute and analyze communications and marketing campaigns. After completing this toolkit, you will understand the concepts of Adobe Campaign Classic and know how to create and master marketing campaigns.
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Hello @DavidKangni
I apologize if this is not the appropriate place for this question (if not, please remove) but we were searching for an answer to this question last week on the experience league forums and saw that you had actually answered several related questions so thought you might have some good direction here.
Our end goal is to send one email alert that goes to our billing team that has a count of the total email and SMS records in one email. However, because of how our system is set up, we have to count these separately. I can't figure out a way to combine these into one email - right now it will always send two separate ones.
Our workflow looks like this:
Code for email Count:
var query = xtk.queryDef.create (
<queryDef schema= "temp:changeAxis3" operation="select">
<node expr="Countdistinct(@accountNumber)" alias="@emailAccounts"/>
var itemsXML = query.ExecuteQuery();
vars.itemsXMLString = itemsXML.toXMLString()
Code for SMS Count:
var query = xtk.queryDef.create (
<queryDef schema= "temp:changeAxis3" operation="select">
<node expr="Countdistinct(@accountNumber)" alias="@sMsAccounts"/>
var itemsXML = query.ExecuteQuery();
vars.itemsXMLString = itemsXML.toXMLString()
Alert HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Today, <%= formatDate(new Date(), "%2M/%2D/%2Y") %>, there are
var itemsXML = new XML(vars.itemsXMLString)
for each (var item in itemsXML){
<%= item.@emailAccounts%> residential e-statement emails and <%= item.@sMsAccounts %> residential e-statement texts <%
} %>
being sent. </p>
Do you know of any way to combine those separate JavaScript activities so that we can combine in one email alert when they use the same column for the count?
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Hi Julie, @jhoyer_sd
You don't have any easy way combine separate javascript in ACC. I will suggest to add instance variables instead of itemsXML which is mostly used for a list.
If the data in your split are already unique per recipient, just use recCount
Code for email Count:
instance.vars.emailAccounts = vars.recCount ;
Code for SMS Count:
instance.vars.smsAccounts = vars.recCount ;
Then add an and-join before your alert.
Alert HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Today, <%= formatDate(new Date(), "%2M/%2D/%2Y") %>, there are
<%= instance.vars.emailAccounts %> residential e-statement emails and <%= instance.vars.smsAccounts %> residential e-statement texts
being sent. </p>
Below is a screenshot as example
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@DavidKangni This is great! Do you know if you can count only distinct records when you use vars.recCount? Otherwise this works perfectly!
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@jhoyer_sd, if your records are not unique you can use a deduplication activity after your split.
You can also set up your variables in your javascript activities
instance.vars.emailAccounts = itemsXML ;
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Hi all,
@Raj03 @Pallavi_Shukla_ @rajendra168 @Jeevith_AG @jhoyer_sd @EstebanBustamante @shachi
Please find attached the Toolkit 5 related to Administration and reporting. You will learn more about the information you can monitor after sending a delivery, as well as understand how delivery failures and quarantines are managed.
Toolkit 5: Administration and reporting (7%)
@DavidKangni I don't see the toolkit attached here.
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Hi all,
@jhoyer_sd Congratulations on becoming an Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner certified through the Adobe Campaign Mentorship Program!
We are impressed by your dedication and hard work throughout this journey. It is truly remarkable and reflects your commitment towards your learning journey.
@Raj03 @Pallavi_Shukla_ @rajendra168 @Jeevith_AG @EstebanBustamante @shachi Pranitha_Harani
Please let us know if you were able to schedule and pass the certification exam.
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