Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Campaign Community Mentorship program! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Campaign Community Mentor, Abhishek Aggarwal (a.k.a. @aggabhi), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Campaign questions as you prepare for the Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Expert Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E327), through to the end of the program.
Aspirants mapped to Abhishek Aggarwal (a.k.a. @aggabhi
How to participate
Quick links
Let's grow together!
Hello Everyone,
Happy to part of this amazing opportunity to learn and guide you all.
Feel free to reach out to me any time and I will try my best to help all.
You can find the exam objective, scope, and additional details about the certification on the link provided in this thread. Sharing that again here, https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/certification/program/technical-certifications/acc/acc-exper...
Attached is the toolkit for module1 to prepare for this week.
Let's use this thread for any communications and questions.
Thanks and Regards
Hi @aggabhi ,
Thanks for sharing the first tool kit to prepare for Business Practitioner Exam.
I have answered few questions in the Community, you can have a look at it and provide your inputs
Hi @LakshmiPravallika ,
Thanks for your question. I checked the same and seems for :-
Initial implementation of mapping Adobe campaign dataset with AA is not done correctly, need to review end to end adobe campaign- AA integration.
This is correct so all good.
Hi @aggabhi ,
The Links inside the shared toolkit pdf document in Business Practitioner Expert Exam_Module 1.pdf
are not accessible. Could you Please look into it and reshare the document.
Total Likes
Hello @LakshmiPravallika ,
Sure let me check and update you.
Meanwhile Please find attached the 2nd module of the Adobe Campaign Business Practitioner Expert exam toolkit for your reference
I will keep you posted.
Hello @LakshmiPravallika and everyone,
Attaching the updated one for module 1 containing links also.
Hello Everyone,
Sharing the another module.
Hello Everyone,
Sharing the another module.
Hello Everyone,
Sharing the another module.
Hello Everyone,
Sharing the another module.
Hello Everyone,
Here is quiz question for week :-
Question :-
A Campaign has a scheduler to run weekly. Scheduler triggers a recurring delivery and continuous delivery.
How many records created in delivery table after end of 4 weeks ?
Options :-
A :- 6
B :- 5
C :- 2
D :- 8
Kindly comment your answer by end of this week with explanation regarding answer concept.
Hi @aggabhi,
Option B (5) Deliveries will get created at the end of 4 weeks, because the Recurring Delivery will will create a new delivery instance each time it executes ie, for each week and for the Continuous Delivery 1 record will be created as it will lets us add new recipients to an existing delivery and avoids us to create a new delivery each time a new recipient is added and the same will get appended for each run .
So for 4 runs of each week, 1 Continuous Delivery record + 4 Recurring delivery records will get created and a total of 4+1 = 5 Deliveries will get created in the Delivery Schema.
Thanks @LakshmiPravallika ,
This is correct. Very well done.
Tagging @Sukrity_Wadhwa for awarding the aspirant.
Congratulations @LakshmiPravallika for giving the correct answer to the mentor quiz question!
Michelle Yoonsun Oh & Thanga Vimalan
With that, I want to emphasise that the purpose of this quiz was never solely about winning; it was designed to be a tool for you all to test your knowledge and measure your progress in your learning journey. Your dedication and hard work will be the true measure of your success!