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Updating and merging Recipients and Delivery logs


Level 1

Hello All,


I would like to see an example of merging duplicate recipients to a specified winner and together to merge also the Delivery logs.

I want all the Delivery logs to be transferred to the winning recipient.

I know that is the option Updating and merging inside the Update Data activity but I don't fully understand how it works.

I will really appreciate if you can show me a visual example.

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies


Level 1

Hello Milan,

Thank for that but i have seen that solution also and is not helping on my case.

I am looking for a mass update of the Delivery and tracking logs not just for 1 recipient that I may know but at multiple recipients at the time base on the same email.

I think that this is possible with the update data activity, but I don't know how exactly.

I have seen all the Adobe Documentation and is not any practical example that can help me.