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Survey response are getting stored as dummy@dummy1.com


Level 5

Hi everyone, 


Under response tab, surveys are getting stored as dummy@dummy1.com insted of actual email address. My form does not consists any email address field. I am passing id=<%=escapeUrl(recipient.cryptedId) %> in my survey URL, is there a way to get the recipient address from the above parameter. Please suggest. 


I am using Response from the recipient form as my storage library and I have created custom schema for my survey form.


Thank you in advance.


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3 Replies


Community Advisor


We need more information like how you are storing the response in the schema.


A screenshot of the storage activity would be great to troubleshoot the issue.

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Level 5

Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ 


I am storing the responses through Javascript function, with the below code


  function addDataToCampaign(questionNumber,value){
            document.controller.setValue(`/ctx/FOD_SurveyResponse/@Question_${questionNumber}`, value);


and below is the screenshot of Storage activity:


Here is the properties tab settings:


I am seeing dummy email response when i select Responses from Recipient form in library. However when I select the schema that I have created under library no responses are getting logged.

Thank you in aedvance


Level 5

Please can someone help me with the process of setting up a basic survey that has 1 question with 1-10 rating , capturing the response along with the recipient email who submitted the response. 


Thank you in advance, 


