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Displaying API Response on Second Page in AMP Mailer After Form Submission


Level 1

Hi everyone,


I'm working on an AMP mailer that allows customers to fill out a form. After they submit the form, I need to:

a) Collect the form data.
b) Call an external API using the collected parameters.
c) Display the API response calculated field on the next page.


My main challenge is how to display the API response on the second page of the AMP mailer after the customer submits the form. Could anyone guide me on implementing this functionality in AMP?

2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hello @Vishwadeep 


Look at this example where data is refresh from a server call


Advanced server requests

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Level 1

Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ ,


I'm using JSSP to consume form data and will make an external API call to retrieve the Calculated Amount and Total Amount as responses. However, the main challenge I'm encountering is how to pass these variables back as responses to AMP to display after the initial form submission.


