Hello, Im currently trying to set up an endpoint where the producing system sometimes doesnt send a parameter at all but sometimes does. I know how to set up the endpoint with the parameters but not sure how to handle requests that doesn't have all the parameters that is in the method. This is how the method looks like:
<method library="lf:dropingOff.js" name="createDropOff">
<param desc="pnr" inout="in" name="personalNumber" type="string"/>
<param desc="objectNumber" inout="in" name="objectNumber" optional="true"
<param desc="type" inout="in" name="type" type="string"/>
<param desc="status" inout="in" name="status" type="string"/>
<param desc="level" inout="in" name="level" optional="true" type="string"/>
<param desc="purchaseService" inout="in" name="purchaseService" type="string"/>
<param desc="Id" inout="out" name="Id" type="int"/>
and the parameters that they don't always send is ObjectNumber and Level.
This is the javascript logic so far:
function lf_dropOff_createDropOff(personalNumber, objectNumber, type, status, level, purchaseService) {
logInfo("createDropOff is called");
var flag = 0;
var recp = 0;
try {
recp = getRecipient(personalNumber);
logInfo("recp:" + recp);
if (recp) {
// Recipient exists
logInfo("Recipient exists");
var dropOffXML = <dropOff xtkschema="lf:dropingOff" _key="@pnr, @TyPe" pnr={personalNumber} type={type} status={status} purchaseService={purchaseService} _operation="insert"/>;
// Check if objectNumber is provided
if (objectNumber !== null && objectNumber !== undefined) {
dropOffXML.@objectNumber = objectNumber;
// Check if level is provided
if (level !== null && level !== undefined) {
dropOffXML.@level = level;
logInfo("createDropOff successful");
flag = 1;
} else {
// Recipient does not exist
logInfo("Recipient does not exist")
// logInfo("createDropOff recipient found for pnr: " + personalNumber + "and onr: " + objectRegistrationNumber);
} catch (e) {
// logInfo("Error:" + e + " createDropOff throws error for pnr:orgnr=>" + personalNumber + ":" + objectRegistrationNumber);x
logInfo("Error:" + e)
return flag;
But this throws and error when I comment out the parameters in the wsdl in PostMan:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<tns:createDropOff xmlns="urn:lf:dropingOff">
<tns:sessiontoken>thesession ID</tns:sessiontoken>
<tns:personalNumber>A FAKE PNR</tns:personalNumber>
<!-- <tns:objectNumber></tns:objectNumber> -->
<!-- <tns:level></tns:level> -->
The error:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:SOAP-ENV='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>
<faultstring xsi:type='xsd:string'>SOP-330011 Error while executing the method 'createDropOffResponse' of service 'lf:dropingOff'.</faultstring>
<detail xsi:type='xsd:string'>SCR-160025 Javascript: cannot convert the value to an XML document.
JST-310001 Error while evaluating a JavaScript code, line 1: SCR-160017 Function 'createDropOff', argument 0: cannot convert argument to an XML document..
JST-310001 Error while evaluating a JavaScript code, line 1: SCR-160020 Function 'createDropOff': not enough arguments..</detail>
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Best Regards,