Hi, I have a Direct Mail Delivery where the routing has a Post-processing workflow, I would like to send custom event variables to that post-processing workflow. I tried to write event.variables.new="New" in this Js code:
But it didn't work, any ideas?
Thank you.
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Hi @Heku_ ,
Please try sending event variables in this format below
event.variables= <variables description="" email="test@test.com" ></variables>
in your JS Code and let me know.
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Hello @LakshmiPravallika, thank you for the reply.
I tried to use your code bit it didnt appear in the event variables.
@Heku_ ,
Based on the JavaScript code you provided, it seems like you are trying to send custom event variables to a post-processing workflow in a Direct Mail Delivery. However, your shared code snippet does not provide enough context to identify the issue.
To send custom event variables to a post-processing workflow, you need to ensure the following:
1. *Correct event triggering:* Make sure the JavaScript code snippet is placed at the appropriate location in your Direct Mail Delivery workflow, so it triggers at the right time to send the custom event variables.
2. *Proper event variable assignment:* Check that the `event.variables.new` object is defined and assigned correctly.
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