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Empty contents when exporting my package - Adobe Campaign 6.1


Level 2


I created a package that contains an operation (nms:operation), when I export the package, the output file is empty.

The problem occurs only for operations. When I export a catalog (nmscentralcatalog) I have no problem.

Do you have a helper to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.

For your information, I also tried to go through a script with the GenerateDoc() method of xtk:specFile but still KO

6 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @MaxAttou ,


There must be some error while creating package. Can you share log details when you are creating package?





Level 2

Hi @Jyoti_Yadav  ,


Thank you very much for your answer and sorry for my late answer.


I don’t know where the logs are when creating a package ‌‌ . Could you please tell me where it is located?


However, I can transmit the logs to you when importing a package. Here is an example, in this package I have two component operations and a catalog that are associated.




When importing, I have an error that indicates the operation is not present.




As you will see below, the nmsoperation entity is not present in output

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<package author="" buildDate="2021-11-16 09:57:03.179Z"
         buildNumber="8192" buildVersion="6.1" img="xtk:installedPackage.png" label="test"
         name="package_param_101220_ECR_MAT" namespace="MD" vendor="">
  <entities schema="nms:centralCatalog">
    <centralCatalog CD_CAMPAGNE="B0400054" FLAG_BLOCTEL="1" Lib_segment_1="SAP" SBC_PORT="1"
                    SIGNI_RANKING="Potentiel du client" availability="2018-12-28"
                    classement="4" end="2022-08-03" filtreDomaine="3" filtreMarche="3"
                    filtreObjectif="2" flag_info_1="1" flag_info_10="1" flag_info_11="1"
                    flag_info_12="1" flag_info_13="1" flag_info_14="1" flag_info_15="1"
                    flag_info_16="1" flag_info_17="1" flag_info_18="1" flag_info_19="1"
                    flag_info_2="1" flag_info_20="1" flag_info_3="1" flag_info_4="1"
                    flag_info_5="1" flag_info_7="1" flag_info_8="1" flag_info_9="1"
                    label="SAP 2019 (MAAT)" lb_info_1="Cible" lb_info_10="Client proposé également dans les actions"
                    lb_info_11="Message" lb_info_12="Client Haut de Gamme" lb_info_13="Age"
                    lb_info_14="Encours Client" lb_info_15="Numéro du contrat ciblé"
                    lb_info_16="Produit ciblé" lb_info_17="Encours du contrat ciblé"
                    lb_info_18="%UC du contrat ciblé" lb_info_19="Date de souscription du contrat ciblé"
                    lb_info_2="Client Haut de Gamme" lb_info_20="SAP souscrits" lb_info_3="Age"
                    lb_info_4="Encours Client" lb_info_5="Encours du contrat ciblé"
                    lb_info_6="Client détenteur de contrats multisupports" lb_info_7="Date de souscription"
                    lb_info_8="SAP souscrits" lb_info_9="%UC du contrat ciblé" name="MD_CTLG_19_SAP_2"
                    ordreTriVolume="DESC" publication="2021-08-03 09:36:53.000Z"
                    segment_1="C1" start="2018-10-16" status="7" suiviRelance="2"
      <desc>&lt;IMG alt="SAP 2018" src="</desc>
      <owner _operation="none" name="mattoumani" type="0"/>
      <operation _operation="none" internalName="MD_OPER19_SAP_JANVMAAT"/>
      <folder _operation="none" name="MD_CATA_2013"/>
      <DIFF_EMAIL _operation="none" internalName="MD_DIFE19_SAP_2"/>
      <DIFF_SMS _operation="none" internalName="MD_DIFS19_SAP"/>
      <DIFF_COURRIER _operation="none" internalName="MD_DIFC21_SAF"/>
        <centralCatalog _operation="none" name="MD_CTLG_19_SAP_2"/>
        <queryFilter _operation="none" name="MD_PERS_SAF_C1_21"/>
        <centralCatalog _operation="none" name="MD_CTLG_19_SAP_2"/>
        <queryFilter _operation="none" name="MD_AFNG_SAF_C1_21"/>
  <entities schema="xtk:specFile">
    <specFile img="xtk:installedPackage.png" includeDefaultValues="false" includeInstallScript="false"
              includeSpec="true" label="test" name="package_param_101220_ECR_MAT"
              namespace="MD" type="0">
      <definition automaticDefinition="false" id="nms:centralCatalog,MD_CTLG_19_SAP_2"
                  lineCountMax="5000" schema="nms:centralCatalog">
        <where displayFilter="MD_CTLG_19_SAP_2">
          <condition expr="@name='MD_CTLG_19_SAP_2'" internalId="1"/>
      <definition automaticDefinition="false" id="nms:operation,MD_OPER19_SAP_JANV"
                  lineCountMax="5000" schema="nms:operation">
        <where displayFilter="MD_OPER19_SAP_JANV">
          <condition expr="@internalName='MD_OPER19_SAP_JANV'" internalId="1"/>
      <execution buildDate="2021-11-16 09:51:51.341Z" fileName="package_MD_package_param_101220_ECR_MAT.xml"
                 fileSize="4524" objectCount="1"/>
        <progress current="0" max="0"/>

Thank you for your return,



Community Advisor

Hi @MaxAttou ,


It's difficult to understand the error language.

But reading few words, I can identify that there's some template or pre requirement that campaign is looking in the instance you are trying to import.

Below are the points which you can check:

1.)Can you describe the components of your campaign like delivery template, deliveries, workflow.

a) If you import just nms:centralCatalog, you will not get this error.

2) Also, check in your import instance whether the same internalName campaign already exists? If yes, is the folder location of campaign is same or different? If different, then it is suggested that you provide unique internal name to the campaign and then try to import.

3) Does the campaign folder exists in the import instance? If not, then you need to import Folder as well.




Level 2

Hi @Jyoti_Yadav ,

Yes indeed, I use the French language on the Adobe Campaign software . My apologies for your comprehension.

You have fully understood the error reported.
The error indicates that the nms:operation and internalname key element = MD_OPER19_SAP_JANVMAAT is missing in the package I am trying to import into another instance.

To answer your questions:

a) If I only import nms:centralCatalog I would have the same error because in Adobe Campaign we have an association between nms:centralCatalog and nms:operation below a screenshot:


2) In the import instance the same internalName campaign does not exist.

3) The campaign file exists in the import instance.

For me the problem is when exporting the package, the output file does not contain the nms:operation data I need to install it in another instance.

As shown above, the contents of the package export just show the data of nms:centralcatalog while I have two components in my package (nms:centralcatalog and nms:operation).


The definition of the package does not return any entity while the line is present in the database.


<definition automaticDefinition="false" id="nms:operation,MD_OPER19_SAP_JANV"
                  lineCountMax="5000" schema="nms:operation">
        <where displayFilter="nom interne égal à 'MD_OPER19_SAP_JANVMAAT'">
          <condition expr="@internalName = 'MD_OPER19_SAP_JANVMAAT'" internalId="1"/>

Sorry, I’m trying to be as specific as I can, I’m available for any questions .



Community Advisor

Hi @MaxAttou ,


Can you share screenshot of your Import Package.

You need to have nms:operation also in your package, as shown in below screenshot:







Level 2

Hi @Jyoti_Yadav ,

Here is the screenshot of my package, there is nms:operation :



After generating the package, I have this in the output file :


<?xml version='1.0'?>
<package author="" buildDate="2021-11-18 16:14:49.830Z"
         buildNumber="8192" buildVersion="6.1" img="xtk:installedPackage.png" label="test"
         name="package_param_101220_ECR_MAT" namespace="MD" vendor="">
  <entities schema="xtk:specFile">
    <specFile img="xtk:installedPackage.png" includeDefaultValues="false" includeInstallScript="false"
              includeSpec="true" label="test" name="package_param_101220_ECR_MAT"
              namespace="MD" type="0">
      <definition automaticDefinition="false" id="nms:operation,MD_OPER19_SAP_JANV"
                  lineCountMax="5000" schema="nms:operation">
        <where displayFilter="nom interne égal à 'MD_OPER19_SAP_JANVMAAT'">
          <condition expr="@internalName = 'MD_OPER19_SAP_JANVMAAT'" internalId="1"/>
      <execution buildDate="2021-11-17 08:41:48.771Z" fileName=""
                 fileSize="4915" objectCount="1"/>
        <progress current="0" max="0"/>
