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Hi KeerthiKarna,
It's not recommended to keep this option checked in Prod. Do you still need the interim results after your workflow completion? If not then remove the option once you don't need it for a workflow e.g after 7 days.
Usually database cleanup use to clean temp table once the keep interim results option is not checked.
You can also defined at db level a process to cleanup temp tables that are not modified after a certain period.
You can identified them with a request Name like '%wkf%'
Hi KeerthiKarna,
It's not recommended to keep this option checked in Prod. Do you still need the interim results after your workflow completion? If not then remove the option once you don't need it for a workflow e.g after 7 days.
Usually database cleanup use to clean temp table once the keep interim results option is not checked.
You can also defined at db level a process to cleanup temp tables that are not modified after a certain period.
You can identified them with a request Name like '%wkf%'
for all our wkfs our campaign team is checking the box "keep interim results as checked lot of temp tables gets created and it's occupying a lot of space. Do you guys know how to drop these tables or is there any configuration to auto flush this. Note : We cannot uncheck the check box ( interim results ) as it's essential for us to view the targets."
and thi box is checked in all of our wkf since last 2years
we need to identify temp tables --how we can identify them
do they start with something like
wkf733107840_4206_1 |
grp337632156 |
Please let us know
do we need to purge them all
how can we purge them in db?
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@DavidKangni In PROD even if we dont keep the interim check box ON we are still facing the Adobe slowness and we are not able to identify which workflow is taking a huge Temp space, Could you please provide your support to identify the reason behind getting the Disc space error on PROD instance?
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Hi Keerth,
Unfortunately, the act of keeping interim results creates temporary tables. These tables cannot be dropped unless the interim results have been removed from the workflow and the Database Cleanup workflow is able to drop them. Additionally, please note that documented best practices warn against using this in production for this very reason.
Adobe best practices:
Have you thought about using the target approval process instead to view and approve the target?
Target approval:
I reinforce what Craig is saying, you CANNOT tick this option across all your workflows. It goes against all the best practices and is ut your data storage out of control.
If you have to validate the target audience prior sending a communication, use the Approval process as sus-mentioned but please do change your way of working if if you want a system that scales and is stable.
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